Chapter 8~Home Sweet Home

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(Jacob picture)

As I'm packing my bags, I felt eyes on me. Looking up, my thoughts were confirmed when I caught Ezra's pale blue eyes gazing at me, he smiles a bit when I raise a brow.

"Why are you looking at me that way?" I ask him with an amused smile. He only looks at me before getting up and walking my way.

"No reason," he simply says before brushing past me. Odd.

As I walk out the room, I see Vanessa and Jade talking to the their girl while the boys were watching tv, the two eldest shirtless, which I now understand is because South Florida is so hot and they'd rather wear shirts when its necessary, at least thats how they described it. Ezra plopped down on the couch beside Devon, who I caught looking at me. I smile at him, he gets up, smiles back before walking out the front door.

I sit down by Brandon and lay my head on his shoulder. While my short hair was in a simple bun with a few shorter strands hanging out, his was crazy and wild, so I moved his hair. He chuckled when I smacked me right back in the face. Brandon and I have been friends this whole break and I've been with him when he goes out, even though he is a year younger than me.

"I'm gonna miss ya, Franklin." I smile and grab his head, giving him a peck on his cheek.

"I'm going to miss you too, Brandon." We all bid our goodbyes to everyone, thanking Ezra's uncle for having me stay at his home before we head back home.


I shut the house door as I hear movement in the kitchen. When I walk in, the sight of my mom in the kitchen with her locked hair in a high bun startled me.

"Mom?" She turns around and smiles at me widely. Her brown eyes are bright as she continues on with rummaging through the cabinets.

"Hey sweetie," her thick Haitian accent rings in my ears for the first time in a while and I smile when she hugs me tightly. Her body is lean and curvy because she goes to the gym often. Mine was also curvy, but less lean because I loved food too much. "How does fried chicken sound for dinner?"

"Good..I guess- why are you here? I thought you wouldn't be home for another month?" I ask and she sighs before leaning her hips on the counter. She looks at me with crossed arms before she starts speaking.

"My boss let me go today," she simply says and I notice her plastered smile crumbling apart. Before she lets out a sob or sheds a single tear, I wrap my arms around her narrow waist. She embraced me back with a loud cry escaping her lips.

"Shh, mom it's fine. We're fine. I can get a job at the cafe by the school, okay? I can wait tables," she shakes her head and grips my shoulders, making me look into her tear shed cinnamon brown eyes.

"Bébé, je vais bien," she starts but I cut her off with a shake of me head. (Baby, I'm fine-)

"No, mom. Your not fine. I'm okay with getting a job to help you, while you find another. Okay? Please let me do this." I beg her. She studies my pleading expression for a moment before slowly shaking her head with a sigh escaping her lips.

"Okay, baby." She cups the sides of my face so she can kiss my forehead, then gives me a watery smile. "I love you, you know that right? And I won't be mad if you don't get a job."

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