Chapter 27~ Angel

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Flora stood there in a dark green velvet dress with long sleeves and a plunging neckline that showed her breasts. Her long, straight hair parted in the middle and her makeup made her look much older than a 18 year old girl. Frankie gripped the countertop with her shaky hands as the blonde girl's heels clicked on the tile floor until she was so close their noses practically touched.

"You looked cozy out there with Mr. Grant," she smirked, taking one of Frankie's tight curls in her slender fingers and twirling it in her hands boldly. Frankie sighs as she slaps her hand away.

"Don't touch my hair," Flora looked perplexed but lets her hand drop to her hip.

"So," she pushes past Frankie and pulls out some makeup to touch up her red lipstick. "You two are finally together now, huh? Must be nice, to be with a guy who genuinely loves you... who doesn't use you and manipulate you into thinking you're someone special before you realize you were just a pawn.. just a game piece," she stops as she stares at herself in the mirror with a distant look in her eyes. "It's actually sickening... true love. It's absolutely sickening." Her eyes snap to the curvy brown girl in the mirror and her lip curls. "He hasn't forgotten about you, you know..."

"What?" Her heart lurches in horror at that. Flora couldn't mean who she thinks she meant.

She frowns and turns to Frankie with an ugly sneer, her face now looking like a distorted barbie doll. "You think you and Ezra didn't have it coming? You think you two could just pull people into your little love game and mess with their hearts, just to discard and leave them once you win? No!" Frankie flinched as she's backed into a wall. "Your karma is coming, bitch. So I suggest you watch your fucking back."

Frankie's gaze is unyielding as Flora looks down with fire in her jade green eyes. Frankie does her best to keep the sob in until the girl walks out the bathroom. Trying to calm her racing heart, she leans on the counter and lets the tear fall silently down her cheeks as flashes of the dark brooding eyes of Robin dance in her head. She bites her lip when she remembers what they did together and she hiccups and gasps in hysteria. Her hand goes over her mouth and she pushes into the stalls and vomits. She is left feeling horrible but remembers that Ezra is out there waiting for her.

She looks in the mirror again and uses the paper towel to fix her tear stained face. She rinses her mouth out with the travel sized mouthwash in her purse after brushing her teeth. She touches up her makeup by adding some concealer under her tired eyes. She gives a watery smile in the mirror, before sighing and closing her eyes, letting images of a happy Ezra and her family flash before she give a decent smile in the mirror.

She checks her hair and picks up her dress as she walks out the restroom.

She runs into Ezra, who was on his way to the restroom anyway. He studies her a bit when she gives him an off smile. He brings his hands up to her face and frowns at her blood shot eyes. He knew she'd been crying. "What happened?"

"What," she looks up, a confused facade on her face, "What do you mean? I'm fine, Ez." She entangles their hands and kisses his chin, since that's the highest she could go without him leaning down. He then dips his head to capture her lips and pulls her close possessively, mentally letting her know that she's safe with him. He hears her satisfied moan from her throat and he looks down at her when they part.

"You know I love you," he runs the pad of his thumb along her cheekbone as he looks deeply into her eyes and she almost crumbled under his stare because she knew she was hiding something.

"I love you too," she kisses the inside of his hand before she grabs it in her own. "We should get back to the party." His eyes furrow in worry but he nods, reluctantly agreeing.

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