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I wake up with the name echoing in my mind, taking over all of my thoughts.

A knock on my bedroom door causes me to turn my head in its direction. It creaks open to reveal my brother Eric, a stoic expression on his face.  "You better get up now, or you're going to be late for school."

I position my hand in front of my mouth in order to stifle a yawn. "What time is it?" I ask sleepily. I slide up the bed until my back makes contact with the headboard. He rifles through his pocket, pulling out his cellphone.

"It's 8:00. You have ten minutes before the first bell," My eyes widen. "You better get a move on." Eric tosses over his shoulder as he exits the doorway.

"Shit," I mutter. Never in my life have I been late to school, but I've been introduced to so many 'firsts' lately that this will just be another tick on my check list. I throw back my covers and nearly trip over my own two feet as I step out of the twin bed. I make a bum rush towards my closet and throw open the door, expecting everything to be organized and in order. A frustrated groan erupts from my throat as I survey the condition of my closet.

On the floor, shoe boxes are left unopened, letting the faint smell of feet waft into my nostrils. As for the shelves, my clothes are left in such disarray that I find it near impossible to get my hands onto a simple pair of black yoga pants.

I decide to pair them off with black/white Converses, a teal hoodie, and a white crop top underneath. By the time I finish combing out the tangles from my hair and slipping it into a tight ponytail, the alarm clock on my nightstand tables reads 8:15.

I rush down the stairs and am taken aback to see Eric patiently waiting on the couch. I raise an eyebrow and approach him. "Hey, when did you get home? I meant to ask you earlier but I was too busy trying not to hyperventilate."

He stands up and extends his arms behind his back, locking his fingers as he stretches. "Last night. But no time for catching up, you're already late for your first day."

I stop in my tracks. "What do you mean first day?" Eric narrows his eyes at me. "Are you okay?" He scoffs. "The first day of school, obviously. Mom had to slip out for a work emergency last night so I'm basically filling in for her."

Baffled, I pick up my school back and follow Eric as he exits through the front door. As I shut it and turn the knob to make sure it's locked, my mind is overflowing with questions.

What the hell is going on?


Message From: Regina <3

Where r u??

I blankly stare at my phone screen as Eric turns his keys into the ignition and waits for the car to sputter to life before pulling out of the driveway.

"Is everything alright? You look a little green." I blink away from the text message that has now burned an imprint in the back of my mind to look up at Eric, who's gaze flickers between me and the road in front of him.

I exhale deeply as I play with the material of my shirt. "Yeah, I - I'm fine. Just a little out of it, is all." Eric clucks his tongue. "Typical Christina. You always make it seem as if you have everything in order, but I know you. Your life is a mess behind the scenes."

He puts the car into park as he pulls up in front of the high school. "Well," he sighs. "It seems as if this is the end of the road. Have fun at school." I stare down at the door handle with great hesitation. What will I be getting myself into once I walk into that building?

Life On The Flip Side [Harry Styles AU]Where stories live. Discover now