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Some bad news guys

I won't be updating next week.

Why? You ask.

I'm so stressed out with school shit this month I didn't even write this chapter until the day I was scheduled to post it.

Also I have an AP World History Exam in like, a week and my teacher doesn't know how to teach so I'm teaching myself.

And the first chapter of Miss Leading will be out on May 22nd.

K bye


Christina's POV

I begin to choke on the large piece of bread that I was in the midst of swallowing, and Harry quickly rushes to my aid.

"Shit, are you okay?" He asks in a panic as he pats at my back. He forces me to stand up and begins to give me the heimlich, causing the chewed up bread to come flying out of my mouth and into the basket.

Harry stands back in front of me with a nervous look on his face.

"Are you alright?" I nod meekly.

"But I um, I just have one question. I'm not sure if I heard you right. What did you say before I began to choke?"

He frowns. "I said: 'And I love blue.' Why do you ask?"

I scratch at the back of my hand. "Why did you say that, exactly?"

He chuckles and takes my hand, helping me sit back down onto the picnic blanket.

"Blue is the name of my aunt's dog. And it also happens to be my favorite color. I was about to tell you a story about her because I remembered our conversation about the sky earlier. It must have slipped out when I was thinking about it. I have this weird tendency to speak my thoughts."

I clear my throat. "Right, of course."

My sandwich is now lying on the grass, an army of ants already on their way to destroy and conquer.

"What did you think I said?"

I blink. "What?"

"What did you think I said? That caused you to choke?"

I blush. "It's stupid now, I don't know why I thought I heard that."

Harry reaches over and reassuringly pats my hand with is. "It's okay. This is a no chill zone. Speak your mind."

I look down at the time on my watch, and realize that it's near noon. Jeez, how long has it been since I saw Mia's parents naked?

"I thought you told me that you loved me."

Harry's face contorts into an amused expression before he can't take it anymore. He bursts out into an echoing laugh, one so loud it causes small children to look over in awe. Tears begin to form at the corners of his eyes as he continues, and I just nervously laugh along with him.

It wasn't even that funny.

After a few minutes, he sighs in relief and wipes the tears away that managed to escape his eyes during his sudden outburst. An awkward silence settles between us, and I self-consciously begin to tug at loose threads in the sleeve of my shirt.

When I finally work up the courage to say something, a feminine voice clears its throat. We both look up to see Regina, an annoyed expression on her face. It surprises me to see that Sarah isn't here, since she seems to be Regina's tail.

Life On The Flip Side [Harry Styles AU]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora