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After watching Zayn's retreating figure exit the library, I begin to pick up my things. I'm about to pick up my bag and leave when I feel the presence of another person standing over me.

It's Harry.

We stare at each other for what seems to be ages before he clears his throat and speaks. "I uh, I believe you asked me to meet you here? Sorry I'm late, I saw you speaking with that other guy and I thought -"

I hold up a finger against my lips, silencing him. I sit back down in my chair and beckon for him to take the seat across from me. He does as told.

I check the time on my watch. It's 12:15, which means that I got that text from Sarah almost twenty minutes ago. Something tells me that  lack of punctuality isn't a good quality on this side of town. But then again, why should it even matter to me? It's not like I'll be spending the rest of my life in this world.

I clasp my hands together and set them down onto the table before taking in a deep breath. "Listen, Harry. I just wanted to formally apologize for Regina's actions," My rapid heart beat causes me to pause. My feelings for Harry are beginning to resurface.

Is this what I want? Second guessing is something I refrain from doing, but it also keeps me from making horrible decisions. But would pursuing Harry be a horrible decision? I have what I want, yet I'm scared to go for it.

I stare down at my hands. What happened to the new Christina? The Christina that was late to school, and is now friends with the biggest bitch in school. I can feel myself shrinking back to my old personality, but I'm destined to change. Especially since I have the opportunity to do so. 

Harry reaches out to touch my hands, but I flinch away. He's my weakness, whether or not I want to admit it.

I don't know if I'm willing to give up the opportunity to 'do the things I've always wanted to do' as Zayn once said to me.

I pretend to check the time on my watch before getting up, avoiding looking into his eyes. "So what, you're just going to apologize and leave without saying anything else?" Harry says with a tone of anger.

I don't answer him, and instead pick up my bag and rush out of the library.

If I don't commit to change, I'm scared that Zayn will send me back.

But if I do, I may never leave.


My gaze is casted downwards as I run through the hallway, shame and fear guiding me. I feel as if I have no sense of direction again, which is exactly why I run straight into the arms of Josh.

"Woah there!" He catches me and spins me around to face him in order to prevent me from running smack into a locker. Worry etches his features.

"Are you alright?" He asks softly. I wrestle myself out his grip when he tries to gently rub his knuckles against my cheek. My emotions are a mess right now, and the last thing I need is to be caught in the hallway with a guy I supposedly slept with.

He scowls at me. "What the hell is your problem? I'm just trying to help you." I narrow my eyes at him whilst jabbing a finger into his chest.  "Did you spread rumors around the school that we slept together?"

A smirk appears on his lips as he grabs my hand and lowers it down with his own. "Easy there, tiger. It's just a popularity stunt. Look at you, you're absolutely gorgeous. I only did what she asked so it could get people talking."

I cross my arms against my chest before raising an eyebrow. "And who exactly told you to do this?"

Josh rolls his eyes. "You're kidding, right?" I shake my head. He sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. "Regina. We fucked at my mom's wedding without a condom and she blackmailed me with telling everyone she was pregnant with my baby if I didn't spread rumors about you sleeping with me."

Life On The Flip Side [Harry Styles AU]Where stories live. Discover now