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Zayn's POV

"You fucking bitch," I snarl. I push Ivy away from me and quickly crawl off of the bed, avoiding her gaze as I reach for my boxers and slip them on. If I could hit her, I'd smack the stupid grin right off of her face.

"You spelled me, didn't you?" I turn around to face her as I pick up my jeans off of the floor and pull them on. If Christina isn't here - Oh my God.

Ivy sighs and sits up, locking her fingers behind her head as she stretches. "That was a good f.uck." she murmurs. I roll my eyes.

"Ivy, you f.ucking b.itch. I swear to God, if you don't tell me where Christina is -"

"Christina is fine." There is a deafening silence between us as I bend down to tie my shoelaces.

When I finish tying them, I rise from my previous position to still see a smug look on her face. "Ivy, my patience is wearing very thin. Tell me where she is."

"She's f-"

"Tell me where she is!" I bellow. Ivy struggles to maintain her composure as her stoic expression transitions to one of fear. "I'm trying to but you're interrupting me."

I sigh, and she draws the sheets closer towards her naked body. "She's fucking Harry."

I nearly choke on my saliva. "Excuse me?"

She narrows her eyes. "You heard me. She's fucking Harry. At her house. In her bed. Try to visit her. I promise you won't get through."

I have so many questions. Yet my self control diminishes, and the only thing I'm set on doing is finding her.

"Fuck you Ivy." I open the door and slam it shut, surprised to hear the bass of the music still radiating throughout the house.


Christina's POV

After my phone call to Harry, I change into decent looking pajamas and try to fix the knotted mess that is my hair. The alcohol seems to have flushed out of my system when I changed universes.

It makes me wonder, though. Did I even change universes? Or did I only visit someone's subconscious, like that woman said? I try to remember how exactly she knows me, but I come up blank. A vague memory of her face is all I have. I don't remember the sound of her voice, or what she wants from me. I think she said something about Ivy, but I can't recall.

The chime of the doorbell startles me as I rearrange the shoes in the foyer. The house is in a disarray, something I didn't  realize until I came downstairs. It's as if my mother never cleans anymore, and I feel as if she doesn't exist in this universe.

Now that I think about it, there seems to be no sense of authority here. Eric seems to have disappeared too.

I take in a deep breath before turning the door knob and swinging the front door open. Harry is awkwardly standing there with his hands shoved into his pockets. His hair is a mess, but he still looks sexy anyway.

"Harry, hi." I breathe. I smile at him and step out of the way so he can walk inside. "I'm sorry I called you at like, one AM. I didn't even expect for you to answer -" The look he gives me as he kicks off his shoes shuts me up. "It's fine, Christina. I'm here because I want to be here."

I nod and quickly shut the door. "I'll show you around, I guess." I mumble. Something about this feels so weird. Never in my life did I come to think that there would be a boy my age in my house, especially alone with me.

Life On The Flip Side [Harry Styles AU]Where stories live. Discover now