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Important!! From this day forward, I will be updating every Tuesday and Friday :)

Quick Authors Note: I just wanted to say how appreciative I am of you guys for reading my book and ACTUALLY ENJOYING IT. I appreciate the votes and comments so so much and I love you all for checking my book out.

Please help me advertise it as much as I can so I can get this book as popular as Dorm 69! Thanks!



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"Zayn? Oh my God, Zayn. Ivy -"

"I know, Christina. Sorry about hanging up on you earlier. I had to take a moment to process the information. This is crazy."

My eyes flood with tears. I look up at the skylight in the mall as I attempt to blink them away. "I - I can't speak to you anymore." I whisper.

Zayn is the only trusting friend I have on this side of the universe, and it pains me to have to end that. He's the only person who I can speak to with a tone of understanding.

He doesn't say anything, and I fear that he has hung up. "Zayn?" A sigh. This whole thing must be stressing him out. I know it's stressing me out, and everything seems to be turning to shit. This was supposed to be a time where I could relax and have fun. But it's all being taken away by one cruel girl.

"Listen Christina, I have to go. But I want you to find Harry at the party tonight and speak to him." A woman emerges from the bathroom next to me, and I shield my nose at the scent that follows her.

I hate public bathrooms.

"And say what, exactly? Zayn, I need you at the party tonight and you know that." I think of leaving the mall and not even returning to the table that I'm obviously not welcome at, but I realize that I can't because my book bag is in Mia's car. I hold my cellphone against my ear with my shoulder before carefully studying the clothes in the shopping bag that still resides on my arm.

How the hell did Mia afford all of this?

He sighs. "I can't Christina, I'm sorry. I don't want to risk you or Regina just so I can be with you. Just tell him to stay away from Ivy. But make sure she doesn't see you," The sound of a doorbell goes off in the background, and I can hear Zayn hurriedly shuffling around. "I have to go, but I'll do everything I can to make sure that she doesn't hurt you. Just - don't stray from Harry. I have a feeling he will keep you safe."

"But -" click. Once again, Zayn hung up on me. I groan and slip my phone into my back pocket, and walk back towards the table. It's only when I'm in earshot does everyone stop mid conversation to look over at me.

Life On The Flip Side [Harry Styles AU]Where stories live. Discover now