n i n e t e e n

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Christina's POV

"You're so beautiful, Christina." Harry gently strokes my cheek with the pad of his thumb. It's a bit rough, something that is to be expected since he spends his free time working on cars. At least, I think he does. Would it be stereotypical of me to think that just because he wears leather jackets?

But then again, he only wears them in the other universe. I think.

Something seems different. We aren't in my living room, and Zayn is gone. White walls, a white floor and a white ceiling surround us. Lights flushed in with the ceiling make the whole room blindingly bright, including Harry.

He's crouched down next to me with a warm smile on his face, not saying anything. Even his eyes seem to shine brighter than my future.

I stand up from my seated position on the floor and he rises from his original position. "Where are we, Harry?" He shrugs and takes my hand in his.

"Why does it matter, Christina? It only matters that we are here. Together. Once and for all. Isn't this what you want?" I shake my head.

"No, Harry. This isn't what I want. I want to know how we got here, and why you're acting so strangely. This isn't you. This isn't us. We're just friends." Harry shakes his head in frustration and begins to scratch as his arms. His nails seem to dig into his skin with such great force that he's close to drawing blood.

Anger flashes behind his eyes as he stares at me, his nails still racing along his arm. "We aren't just friends, Christina," he whispers. "We're lovers. Best friends. Boyfriend and girlfriend. Husband and wife. Why can't you see things the way I do?"

Dark red fluid begins to drip down his arm as I watch in horror. My body begins to quiver in fear. "Harry, please. Stop that." He shakes his head again.

"Tell me you love me."

"I can't, Harry."

"Tell me you love me!"

"I can't!" I scream.

"Why not?! After all I've done for you." Tears slowly stream down his face.

I swallow. "Because I'm pregnant. And it's his."

I rise up with a gasp from my sleep. The bright glare from the television is the only signifcation that I'm back. And that in fact, everything that just happened was merely a dream.

A crushing weight on my leg grabs my attention, and I look over to see that Zayn's head is resting on my thigh. I take this as an opportunity to slowly study his face. He has a sense of beauty to himself, and normally I wouldn't call just any guy beautiful. His delicate eyelashes are longer than mine, and a hint of facial hair is beginning to surface along his chin.

I hesitantly raise my hand upwards to trace the outline of his eyes, nose and mouth. Zayn exhales deeply, causing me to withdraw my hand. Is he waking up?

Movement catches the corner of my eye. I look up and notice that Harry is still seated on the opposite side of the couch, sleeping soundly.

I take back what I said before. Not only is Zayn beautiful, but Harry is as well. The urge to reach over to feel Hary's physical features be traced underneath my fingers is urgent. Yet I'm too far away, so I can't.

Life On The Flip Side [Harry Styles AU]Where stories live. Discover now