t w e n t y | t w o

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"Christina, hello? Are you still there?"

My mouth opens and closes, much like a fish. How do I process something like that? What does this all mean? I run my tongue over my lips, which have gone dry due to a lack of Chapstick. I look over at Harry, who is patiently waiting for me to join him for our date.

Our date. He's such a sweetheart. I shouldn't let my problems get between us.

"I'll uh - I'll talk to you later." I hang up the phone, completely ignoring Zayn's protests. As I walk back towards Harry his neck cranes up to reveal his angelic smile. He reaches for my hand as I sit down, and I let it rest in his.

Harry shuts his phone off and tosses it off to the side. "Hey you."


His brows furrow. "What's wrong? Is it the sandwiches? I probably got them all wrong, didn't I? Shit Christina, I'm sorry. Maybe we can -" I outstretch my other hand and rub it along his cheek.

"Everything is fine Harry," I say with a sad smile. "This is perfect. This moment is so surreal and I wish for the day to never end."

Harry take my hand off of his cheek and sets it back on my lap. "There's something you're not telling me."

I shake my head. "It's stupid. Just some family drama. Let's just continue on with the picnic." I try to deliver him a reassuring smile, but I can tell he sees the pain behind it. It's so hard to keep up with everything when I know I'm going to endure bad news at every turn.

He cautiously sets a plate down in front of me, a peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich nestled on top of it.

"It's not the best I can do," he says nervously. "But I don't really have a kitchen and a stove so I could -"

I stifle a giggle. "Harry, this is perfect. I love it." I pick up the sandwich off of my plate and take a large bite.

"And I love you."



She groaned with all her might, not ready for this moment. Her husband was gone. Missing. Not heard from in days. He knew she was due at any given moment in time, and he bailed on her.

The woman's exotic colored hair was matted to her forehead. She was tired. Oh so tired. And so young. Her family disowned her, redeemed her unworthy of their time. Her lack of worth ethics made her unsuitable for a job, and she never pursued going into college.


When she originally found out she was pregnant with twins, she was ecstatic. Her husband, however, refused to believe it. His low sperm count and bad luck with fertility couldn't possibly have shone through in wife number four.

He accused her of infidelity and left, retreating to a motel thirty minutes away. There, he met Her. The mistress. Her blonde hair, welcoming brown eyes, and feisty personality. They met at a bar. The same bar he met his first wife.

Plans of running away with his mistress were set into stone, and they were due to leave once it was time for the birth of his two children.

Mary. Her name escaped through his lips as she ran her hands down his chest, promising hours of pleasure. He moaned out as she tugged his pants down slowly.

Wife number four laid on the cool kitchen tile, weeping. She knew of the numerous times her husband committing adultery, how he'd storm off to his mistress Mary every time they got into a fight. She blamed herself.

Life On The Flip Side [Harry Styles AU]Where stories live. Discover now