t w e l v e

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A/N: Sorry about the last two chapters. They were a hot mess. But this chapter is much better, I promise :)


I watch from a distance as he animatedly talks to his friends, the events of last night obviously not doing much to phase him.

I've tried to speak to Harry multiple times before, but he's doing his best to avoid me. His disapproval of my current life style and friend choices seems to radiate off of him in waves. The old feelings have returned, and I find myself wiping my sweaty palms onto my jeans in an effort to keep cool.

The drinking from last night has taken a toll on me. My day so far has consisted of frequent trips to the bathroom, and constantly getting yelled at by teachers for wearing sunglasses inside the school building.

My thoughts are interrupted by the clatter of a lunch tray landing on the far end of the lunch table, and I look over to see Mia staring at her food. I resist the urge to get up and speak to her.

What if she hates the parallel side of me, and I won't know it until I walk over there? Regina and Sarah are nowhere to be found, and I have no interest in seeking them out after everything that has happened. The parallel side of Sarah is absolutely horrible; she seems to let herself be controlled, and obeys Regina's every command.

The old Sarah would never do this. She's smart, confident, and never settles for rules. The new one seems to be as shallow as a kiddy pool, leaving me little interest in wanting to spark a conversation.

"Excuse me," I blink a few times before I realize that I'm still intently staring at Mia. A scowl is on her face, and her dark brown hair is dangerously close to swimming in her applesauce.

"Yes?" I ask hesitantly.

She tucks the loose strand of hair behind her ear before picking up her fork to stab at a dry piece of popcorn chicken. I watch as she slowly chews it, all the while not breaking eye contact.

A sigh erupts from her, and she shakes her head, turning away to look around the lunchroom before re-focusing on her lunch tray.

Now I'm intrigued.

"Why exactly did you grab my attention if you were just going to stare at me while you ate?" Mia looks up from her tray, a confused expression on her face.

"I don't know, actually." She breathes. "I just thought you were watching me and I was going to confront you, but when it finally came time I flaked." I nod.

"I understand. Being nervous is natural. Especially when you're ready to fight a bitch." We both chuckle. "Honestly, it just feels great to speak to someone of your status without you dissing my outfit or my hair." The same brown strand escapes from behind her ear.

I smile. "And I've got to say that it feels great to speak to someone who isn't out to get me." I nervously chuckle, hoping she doesn't take my sentence seriously.

My hangover seems to diminish as we uphold a conversation that seems to go on for fifteen minutes, before Regina and Sarah show up. At the sight of them, Mia quickly pulls out a piece of paper, scribbles something down on it, and slides it over to me.

By the time Regina and Sarah sit down, she's gone.

"That girl is weird." Regina mutters. Sarah snorts from beside me. "True."

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