s i x t e e n

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Attention Ghost Readers!

I know you guys are out there. Don't think I don't see you hiding in the corner over there. It's okay, you can come out now.

I just want to let you guys know that I love reading over comments on my book, and that I'd appreciate it (it's okay if you don't want to!) if you left a little comment or two :3

But only if you want to! I completely understand if you don't.

Um. Yeah.

It's uh - kind of awkward now.

Okay bye.


Zayn's POV

"Zayn, what the hell are we going to do? Now that we know who Ivy really is -" Regina pauses and worriedly looks over at me.

I sigh. "I know Regina, I know. I spoke with her earlier and tried to negotiate something but I think she's really set out to hurt you and Christina," I gently stroke her blonde hair. "And that scares me." I whisper.

She lets her body become flush with mine. "I'm scared, Zayn." She says. I nod and swallow hard. "I am too. The baby -"

Her body tenses up, and I know I've triggered her. "Please, don't mention it. It makes me guilty that I'm not living that life, but I needed to escape." I chuckle softly in an attempt to make light of the situation. "You could have told me first."

Regina shrugs. "I'm sorry. Something overcame me. That night at the pool wasn't me. It felt like - like something -" Regina quickly rises up from beside me and begins to choke. Finger print marks appear on the sides of her neck, causing my eyes to widen.

"Regina, what the fuck is going on?" Her face slowly turns blue, and I grasp at her shoulders. "Regina!" A harsh lump forms in my throat, and I struggle to swallow it down.

"Regina stay with me."I whisper. Tears collect in the corners of my eyes.

I look around the room for something that may get the harsh grasp off of her, and I rush to a pocket knife residing on my night stand. I pick it up and raise it from a distance, and quickly strike it downwards directly at her neck.


Christina's POV

"Fuck!" The mysterious voice yells. Warm liquid rushes down the side of my neck, and the tight grasp around me loosens. I feel around on the wall behind me and reach for the doorknob, taking this moment to make a stealthy escape.

The party is still going on as if nothing has happened. How long was I in there? My legs are shaking as I make quick strides to the living room, trying to get as far away from that room as possible.

Mia stumbles in front of me, liquor sloshing over the edge of a cup in her hand. She lazily smiles at me. "Hey friend,"she slurs. Her eyes narrow in confusion as she reaches out to touch my neck.

When she retracts her hand, a red substance coats the tips of her fingers. "What is this?" she mumbles. I gag at the sight of her reaching up to her lips, and placing a finger in her mouth.

The tint of it is too familiar, and I have the aching feeling that it may just be blood.

"I have to go." I say quietly. I hold a hand to my mouth and rush to the nearest bathroom, barely being able to slam the door shut as I fall to my knees and vomit into the shallow toilet bowl. The sound of my continuous retching echoes throughout the small room.

Life On The Flip Side [Harry Styles AU]Where stories live. Discover now