Chapter One

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22 years ago...

Sean walked up to the little sand box as a little girl was making a little sand "castle." While she was doing that, he jumped onto the the little crane and scooped up a bunch of sand. He turned his crane around and dumped all the sand on her.

"You ruined my castle!!" She screamed.

"That wasn't a castle. That was a pile of sand. It wasn't that pretty anyways." Sean said.

A tear slips from the little girl's eye. Sean sees as he walks over to her. He stands in front of her and looks at her sadly.

"I'm sorry I ruined your castle, pretty girl." Sean said sadly.

She chuckles at what Sean calls her. She likes it. Sean could tell because her pretty little eyes lite up as the tears slowly disappeared.

"Thank you, pretty boy." She chuckled.

"What's your name, pretty girl?" Sean asked.

"My name is Y/n." She replied.

"I like it. But, I like calling you pretty girl. My name is Sean." He said.

"Nice to meet you Sean. I like pretty boy better." Y/n chuckled.

That's when they started to becoming best friends.


But all that came to be was reality. Everyone was devastated about the plane crash and it seemed that people could just give up hope.

Though, Mark, Felix, and Sean were all on their way to Seattle, Washington. They wanted to know what was going on and if Y/n was alright.

All three were petrified and it seemed that the world was just collapsing after them. Sean especially.

On the plane ride, Sean pulled out a bunch of old, crinkled papers that had a bunch of writing on them. Mark noticed and nudged Felix. Felix looked up while Mark pointed at Sean who was reading the notes.

Sean started crying as he read the papers with every single detail to be on the papers he read.


15 years ago...

Salut Seán!
         Yes I'm writing early! Why? Because my teacher here in Paris made us do an assignment. She made us write someone special to us. Of course, I would write to you! You are my best friend and you really cheer me up. I can't wait to see you again! I know I always say that. But, I just want to see you and play with you again.
          Hey butter knuckles! Guess what!! I'm going on a field trip pretty soon. The teacher didn't say when or where but she said we will love it. I didn't tell you either. I made new friends! But, you will always be on the top of my list! Their names are Louis and Lise. They are very nice to me!
          Also, guess what!? I'm giving you a new nickname if you couldn't tell! You're new nickname that I'm giving you is butter knuckles. Butter Knuckles Sean! Even though it is wacky, that's what I am! Wacky!! I miss your wacky-ness. I wish I could see you more often. But, we are growing up.
          In three years I will be 13 years old! So will you! That will be amazing! I wish I could invite you for my birthday parties but it's just very hard. You can't travel all this way just for me. Write soon!~Y/n


"Sean, what is that?" Mark asked as Felix nodded his signaling to the same question.

"Oh, these are old letters that Y/n sent to me when she was living in France." Sean replied handing them the letters.

"Question, how long have you two known each other for?" Felix asked looking up from the letters.

"We have known each other for twenty-two years now." Sean answered looking down at the letter he kept in his hand.

Then, all the memories flashed through Sean's head. He missed his girlfriend. He missed the girl he loved the most. The girl who had always made him happy through his tough days. Sean was really in a panicked mood which had taken over his body.

What if Y/n is dead? What if Y/n didn't survive? What if she can't give me kisses or hugs anymore? What if the crash really took over her memory? What if she doesn't remember us? What is she doesn't remember me?

The what ifs got to Sean as tears started rolling down his cheeks. Mark noticed when he looked over at Sean.

"Sean, she's going to be okay, alright. I promise you that." Mark said patting his friends shoulder.

Broken Promises (Sequel) #Wattys2018Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant