Chapter Forty-Two

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"Valentine's Day is coming up soon." Sean said swinging Y/n's hand in his.

The snow crunched under their feet. Small snowflakes fell in the air, landing on their bodies, slowly melting. Jack Frost nipped on their noses and their breath was visible. The sun peaked from behind the clouds, making it a very nice winter day.

"What about it?" Y/n asked smiling looking at Sean.

"Well, I thought maybe I could spend it with you, since last year was horrible." Sean said looking down at Y/n for a quick second.

"We could've had Valentine's Day together if you didn't leave." Y/n chuckled.

Sean rolled his eyes. He tried to hide the small smile trying to form on his lips but it was impossible to. Sean just could not smile when he was around Y/n. She just always made him smile, even if they were in a bad situation.

"Whatever. That's in the past." Sean waved his free hand.

Y/n and Sean went quiet for a few minutes. They just let the winter day and their presence make them happy, even if they weren't saying a word.

Y/n started swaying Sean's hand again, making him look down at their intertwined hands. He then looked back at Y/n, who was smiling up at him. She then chuckled and looked forward. Sean chuckled and raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Sean asked chuckling.

Y/n giggled. "Nothing. You're just really cute right now."

Sean's smile grew. "Well, you look even cuter."

Y/n looked at Sean, who was looking at her. Her smile grew.

"Thanks." Y/n whispered.

"No problem, cutie." Sean winked.

Y/n laughed and looked forward again. She watched the small flakes fall down and land onto random objects outside. Her newly short hair was loosely curled and barley stuck out under her dark green beanie.

"So, about Valenti-"

"Shh." Y/n interrupted.

"Why are you-"

"Shh." Y/n'a finger was up to her lips looking at Sean. "You're ruining the mood."

Sean rolled his eyes and slightly shoved her. Her eyes got wide as she lightly shoved his back, a small chuckle escaping her turned up lips. Sean chuckled along side as he regained his balance. He stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, making Y/n stop as well.

Y/n looked at him with one eyebrow raised. Sean gently pulled Y/n towards him. She gave him a look of confusion as he put her behind him.

"Sean, what are you-"

"Shh. You're ruining the mood." Sean quoted Y/n with a smile.

Y/n rolled her eyes. "What am I doing behind you?"

"Put your hands on my shoulders." Sean said.

"Why?" Y/n asked slowly going to put her hands on his shoulders.

"Because. Just do it." Sean said.

Y/n put her hands on his shoulders then shrugged.

"Okay, now what?" Y/n asked chuckled with a breathy laugh.

"Jump when I say three." Sean said.

"Why?" Y/n asked.






Y/n jumped with her eyes closed and squealed at the same time. Sean grabbed her legs as her arms wrapped around his neck. Y/n opened her eyes and heard Sean laughing.

"Why were you so scared?" Sean asked laughing.

"I just was! I thought you were going to drop me or something!" Y/n's eyebrows were raised with seriousness.

"Well, look, I caught you. You're fine, see." Sean said.

Y/n sighed and rested her head on top of Sean's. Then, after a few seconds, she realized he wasn't moving.

"Uh, Sean, I don't know about you but aren't you supposed to be walking?" Y/n asked chuckling.

"You have to say something first." Sean said.

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows. "Oh yeah? And what's that?"

"Say you love me." Sean said.

Y/n scoffed. "In your dreams McLoughlin."

"Say it..."


"Say it..."


"Say it L/n!"

"Why do you-"

"Say it!" Sean laughed.

"I LOVE YOU SEAN!" Y/n shouted.

Then he was off.

Sean ran holding onto Y/n making sure he wouldn't drop her. Y/n held on making sure she wouldn't fall backwards.

The breeze nipped the two faces as they laughed and smiled. Time ran slow for them. Y/n threw her head back as she laughed, letting the snow hit her face. Sean smiled knowing that Y/n was having a good time.

But one thing ran in their minds.

They didn't need to say it out loud and they didn't want to. Without saying a word, both Sean and Y/n knew the same exact thing. They were together. And this time, it was even better. Both of them were picking up the pieces of broken glass that held their promises and put them back together.

Sean had now started walking but still kept Y/n on his back. It had hit dusk, and the sky was going dark. The snow had started to fall harder and the streets were empty and quiet.

Y/n slowly brought her head down and rested it on Sean's shoulder. She kissed his cold cheek. She rested her chin on her arm and looked forward.

"I love you Sean." Y/n whispered. "A whole lot."

Sean smiled. "I love you too Y/n. So much."

Broken Promises (Sequel) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now