Chapter Fifty

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Where are you?

I'm at the grocery store. Didn't you get my note?

Obviously not

0_0 You need to pay attention more to your surroundings more.

I just found it, calm down lady bug

Did you just call me lady bug?

Yeah I did

Why? XD

Because I felt like it. I don't know

Okay...I'm going to finish my shopping. Do we need anything?

Bread, milk, uh...

I just bought the milk a few days ago!

Well you're not the one who just drank the spoiled thing!

Ugh, fine -_-  Anything else?

Butter, cereal, eggs, sugar, flour, and some cake batter. Oh, cream cheese too.

What's the special occasion?

How can you read my mind?

I just can ;)


Spill the beans babe! Please?

Not until you get home!

Fine, but tonight you are going to get it.

Wow, great job on making things feel awkward 👏

I didn't mean it that way!!

Sure you didn't~

I didn't!

Uh huh~

Will you stop! That's not the direction I was going for!

Fine XD I'll leave you back to your shopping. Love you <3

Love you too <3

Y/n sat down her phone and picked up her bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. She leaned up against the counter as she looked around the new house.

Sean and Y/n had recently moved and just finished up putting the furniture up. It was finally starting to look like a home then just a empty building. The echo that was major in the House was starting to die down as they adding new things. It was all starting to fall into place.

Not a few months ago, Sean and Y/n just got back together. Now, they moved to Brighton close to Marzia and Felix and they could live together in their own house.

Y/n smiled to herself she finished her last spoon full and put the bowl in the sink, rinsing out the milk.

- - -

"Honey I'm home!" Sean called out as he entered the door.

Some thumping alarmed Sean that Y/n was running towards him. Sean was taking off his coat and shoes as his girlfriend ran towards him. Her arms flung around his neck as she planted a big kiss on his lips. Sean slowly wrapped his arms around her waist as they kissed. When they pulled apart, Y/n squeezed Sean into a hug and buried her head into his chest.

"I missed you." Y/n said.

"But I was just gone for groceries." Sean said.

"So? I can't miss my boyfriend?" Y/n questioned.

Sean huffed our a laugh with a small smile. "I guess your right."

Y/n smiled into Sean's chest. "I'm always right."

Sean huffed and rolled his eyes. "Yeah right." Y/n gasped and looked up. "I'm just kidding!"

Y/n rolled her eyes and pulled away from Sean. She then bent down and picked up some of the bags from Sean's grocery shopping and headed towards the kitchen to put the stuff away. After a good few minutes, Y/n and Sean had finished putting everything away except the things Y/n wanted to keep out.

"Okay, so what's all this stuff about?" Sean asked hopping onto the counter.

"I'm going to make some carrot cake because I invited Felix and Marzia to have dinner with us." Y/n said putting her shoulder length hair up into a bun.

"Well that wasn't very hard to say before hand when I was texting you!" Sean argued.

Y/n rolled her eyes as she started getting some other things out onto the counter.

"Whatever looser. I'm going to bake. You want to help or...?"

"Or what?"

"Or are you going to record?" Y/n asked closing a cupboard.

"I'll watch." Sean replied slowly swinging his legs back and forth.

Y/n cocked an eyebrow as she set down the items she picked up. "And why's that?"

Sean shrugged. "Not in the mood to record. Plus, I already have a ton of pre-recorded videos that I did before we moved so Robin can just edit those and I can upload them." Sean said plainly.

Y/n nodded as she measured the vegetable oil in a measuring cup. Her eyes were focused on the line where the oil started to rise to.

"Are you doing this by memory?" Sean asked staring at Y/n measure.

"Mhm." Y/n hummed doing another measurement on vanilla and pouring it into the batch.

"You work fast." Sean commented.

"Well," Y/n looked at Sean as she wiped her hands on her apron, "I'm used to all of this. I baked a lot with my mom when you were gone."

Sean snickered at Y/n. In response, Y/n did the same back but stuck her tongue out as well.

"Can I help with anything? I'm bored." Sean asked swinging his legs again.

"Yeah. Can you turn on the radio then set the oven to three-hundred seventy-five degrees please?" Y/n asked as she stirred everything together.

"Ugh, fine mom." Sean groaned hopping off the counter.

"Hey! Stop your groaning! You asked if I needed any help and so I told you what I wanted help with!" Y/n said.

"Whatever mom." Sean rolled his eyes as he headed toward the radio.

"Don't sass me young man." Y/n said pointing the wooden spoon full of batter toward him.

Sean rolled his eyes as the corner of his lips turned up.

- - -

To be continued...

Broken Promises (Sequel) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now