Chapter Thirty-Seven

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A few weeks later...

Y/n sat at the counter while Charlie was cooking lunch. Charlie had recently moved in with Y/n in her house. It was something that Y/n was happy about because she could have a friend with her.

Y/n's phone buzzed next to her and she looked at it. It was a text from Felix from a conversation earlier in the day. She picked up her phone and answered back.

"Who was it?" Charlie asked letting the taco meat sizzle behind her.

"Felix." Y/n replied typing on her phone.

"What did he want?" Charlie asked leaning onto the counter.

Y/n set her phone down and shrugged. She looked up at Charlie who had her arms crossed and was leaning in front of her.

"He was replying to message I said earlier. Nothing much." Y/n said.

"Mhm." Charlie stood up straight.

She turned around and opened the cupboards. She pulled out the box of hard shelled taco shells. She turned around pulling them out.

"How many do you want?" Charlie asked.

"Just give me two. I'll crunch one up and make a small salad with my other taco." Y/n said watching Charlie pull out four shells.

"Sounds good." Charlie replied.

Y/n'a phone buzzed again. She groaned, knowing it would've been Felix again. When she picked it up, she saw Sean texted her. Y/n rolled her eyes and unlocked her phone.

"What does he want?" Y/n thought out loud.

"Who?" Charlie asked setting the taco shells into the microwave to warm up.

"Sean..." Y/n's voice trailed off as she started typing.

"What does he want?" Charlie asked leaning against the counter, her arms crossed.

"He was wondering..." Y/n's voice trailed off again. She set down her phone. "He was wondering what I was doing this weekend."

"Why does he want to know?" Charlie asked.

"Why are you asking so many questions?" Y/n chuckled.

"Am I not aloud to be curious?" Charlie asked back.

Y/n rolled her eyes. She looked around Charlie to see the pan full of taco meat.

"Is it done yet? It smells really good." Y/n asked.

"Almost. The taco shells should be done in three, two, one..."

The microwave started beeping, signaling that the shells were done. Charlie uncrossed her arms and turned around to open the microwave. She pulled out the four shells and separated them.

Y/n got out of her seat and served herself.


Y/n took a big bite out of her taco. She groaned as she started chewing.

"This is really good." Y/n said with a mouth full.

"Thank you." Charlie said holding the taco in her hand.

As they started eating, Y/n's phone buzzed again. Y/n wiped her hands as she noticed Sean had texted her back. She picked up her phone and answered him.

"What is it now?" Charlie asked.

Y/n didn't reply right away. She was looking down at her phone typing. When she was done, she her phone on and looked up at Charlie.

"He said he was just wondering." Y/n said before taking a bite out her taco again.

"Just wondering my butt. I think he's coming over here." Charlie said.

"Mhm, and I think that Trump hacked the election." Y/n said sarcastically.

Charlie rolled her eyes. "I'm being serious. He texted you out of know where, asking you what you were doing this weekend then replied 'just wondering.' I think he's up to something."

Y/n just scoffed. She picked up her fork and starting digging into her taco salad. As she was eating, her phone buzzed again. Sean had replied.

Charlie peaked at Y/n's screen. Y/n had picked it up before Charlie could read it right away.

"What did he say?" Charlie asked.

"He said that I should listen to you? What? I'm confused." Y/n started typing away on her phone.

Charlie looked up passed Y/n into the living room which showed the front door. There, in the window, she could see Sean standing there with his phone in his hand. Sean noticed that Charlie was looking and put his finger to his lips. Charlie nodded and looked down with a smile.

Y/n saw Charlie's smile from looking behind her. She raised an eyebrow and set down her fork. She turned around in her seat and looked behind her.

"Oh my god..."

Broken Promises (Sequel) #Wattys2018Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat