Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Where are you?" Mark asked.

"In an apartment. I was planning on staying at Y/n's but apparently she doesn't want to see me. Obviously someone was wrong." Sean said glaring at Mark.

Mark sighed. "I thought she would've been happy to see you."

"Well obviously she wasn't Mark! This is your fault! Now, I'm here in Washington for a whole week. What am I supposed to do?" Sean asked aggressively.

"I don't know! Why don't you go and talk to her!" Mark asked back angry.

"Well how am I supposed to talk to her?! She's like going to beat my butt if I talk to her!" Sean said back frustrated.

Mark then was about to hang up Sean until he had an idea. He called up Y/n and she answered right away. There, Mark, Y/n, and Sean were in a group chat.

"Why did you hang up on me!! I was talking to you! Why would you-" Y/n cut herself off.

Sean's eyes were wide and filled with fear. His cheeks turned bright red, making the mark on his cheek pale white and noticeable. Mark sat back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"Now, we need to settle this." Mark stated.

"What is he doing here?" Y/n asked aggressively.

Sean didn't answer back. Through the screen, Sean stared at Y/n. He looked at all the details on her angry one. Her eyes were more than bloodshot red and were very puffy. Her cheeks were stained with tears and were also red. Her hair was a mess, sticking out left to right. She was a total disaster.

"Well, he was just talking to me." Mark snapped Sean into reality.

Sean looked over at Mark. He winked. Then, he looked at Y/n, realizing that she didn't notice.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Y/n stated out. "Charlie is going to stay with you guys."

Then she left. Charlie, shocked as a bird, sat in the chair and rolled herself closer to the desk.

"Charlie.....Charlie....." Sean whispered.

"Hey Charlie!" Mark said.

"H-hi." She replied back.

"Charlie!" Sean said in excitement.

He ran up and grabbed his phone, shocking the two on the screen. When he sat back down in his chair, his eyes were glued to his phone.

"Sean, what's going on?" Mark asked.

"Charlie was there, today, when Y/n and I 'met up.' I didn't recognize her and I didn't know who she was..." Sean trailed off.

"Yeah, so...where are you getting to with this?" Mark asked.

"I remember Charlie. From that day. You know, where...the...anyways." Sean trailed off again.

Sean scrolled through old messages of Y/n and him. All the way back to the day when the plane crashed. Sean read through the messages to find the one he was looking for.

"Ah ha! I found it!" Sean said.

The same place, near the neighborhood, Y/n sat on the bathroom floor. Her ear was propped onto the door so she could eavesdrop on the three.

"You really helped me through a lot and when I saw that you were dating Y/n, you two were my OTP's for life. I mean, you guys are so cute together. Nothing can split you two apart. Keep up the good work and have a great day. Charlie." Sean read out loud.

"So...what's that supposed to mean?" Mark asked.

It went quiet for a second. Then, Charlie spoke up.

"I wrote, in the text, that I said you and Y/n were my OTP for life." Charlie said.

The boys nodded.

"Well, I know where Y/n lives, obviously, why don't Sean and I meet up somewhere and I take him back here after?" Charlie suggested.

Sean rubbed the back of his neck as Mark sat up in his seat.

"Do you really think that could work?" Mark asked.

"Well, if we really want Y/n and Sean to get even again, this might be our chance, since Sean is here." Charlie said.

Mark and Sean looked at each other.

"It's worth a shot." Sean said shrugging.

Broken Promises (Sequel) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now