Chapter Six

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Meeting someone again was practically hard...

Y/n's eyes went wide, realizing that Charlie was wheeled away to the same hospital Y/n was in now. She also couldn't believe how much of a bad friend she felt for not realizing how Charlie was here as well as her. So, Y/n did what she could do best.

Still in her hospital gown now not waiting for an arrival, she stuck her phone between her legs and sped off to the front desk of the waiting area.

"I need to see Charlie." Y/n said frantically.

"What's he last name?" The lady at the front desk said not looking away from her computer screen.

"I don't know, she never told me her last name. If she did, I don't remember but all I know is she had piercings, blue hair, and glasses. I also know that her name is Charlie." Y/n said annoyed by now.

"Sorry, we can't let you in without knowing her last-"

"Last name crap, just take me to her, now!"

The lady looked at Y/n, then back to her computer without changing her facial expression.

"Room 76 on the right." The lady said.

Then, Y/n practically sped off in her wheelchair. Out into the right, looking everywhere for room 76 so Y/n could see her friend.

Though, once she finally found the room, she had opened the door. With some trouble, wheeled herself in and just let the door shut behind her. But, her friend didn't look. She didn't even move to the loud slamming door.

Y/n stayed quiet as she looked at the hospital bed that was in front of her. The body laying under the sheets moved a small bit, meaning that she was alive and she was breathing. Though, the thing keeping her from breathing was the breathing mask.

Charlie's eyes were closed. Her glasses sat on the small table next to the hospital bed. One of the lenses shattered but the other lens was cracked.

Y/n looked back at her friends face. Seeing that she was almost pale. The mascara stains down her cheeks made Y/n terrified of the memory that happened a week before. Charlie's blue hair seemed to be greasy but was also fading as well.

Y/n took ahold of Charlie's hand. Cold. That's all Y/n had to describe it. It was cold but her palm was warm from the blanket. A stray tear slipped off of Y/n's face onto Charlie's hand.

"Well Charlie. We made it. We survived! Though you can't see me right now but probably can hear me, please just be strong, for me. You'll survive this. I know you will. You were a strong girl when I first met you and now I know you can make it through without letting yourself slip away like this. If I never went on the plane, and I saw your face saying you died, I would've probably felt bad. I probably sound like I'm talking to my daughter right now but you are twenty something. I know you'll make it through. Please, don't slip away now. You have a whole life ahead of you." Y/n said crying.

"Miss, I don't want to interrupt anything, but Charlie needs to be taken away for surgery." A doctor said startling Y/n.

"What's wrong with her?" Y/n asked.

"She has a huge gash on the back of her head. We didn't want to have surgery on it yet so we decided to wait until she wakes. After the past week we realized that she probably won't be waking up any time soon. So we're gonna put the stitches in. We also may think that she's in a coma. So, she probably can hear you but not fully or clearly." The doctor said.

"Will she survive? Is she gonna be okay?" Y/n asked panicking.

"We are not sure, but it may be now a 50/50 chance. If she does wake up, it'll be a miracle."

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