Chapter Forty-One

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"Why didn't you tell me your mom died?"

Y/n stiffened up. A stray tear left her eyes and she played with the apron she was wearing. Her head was brought down and her hands fiddled with the apron even more.

"W-who told you?" Y/n stuttered.

Sean swallowed. "Charlie did. She told me last night."

Y/n's head shot up. Her eyes were red as tears left from the corner from her eyes.

"What else did she tell you?" Y/n asked.

Sean swallowed again, hard. "She told me that you were going through depression. You had to take medication to help you. She also told me that you had to have therapy for everything."

Y/n swung her hands by her hips frustrated. She tossed her head to the side as she rolled her eyes.

"That son of a-"

"Y/n. Please. I want to help you." Sean got up from the chair.

"What can you help me with? She told you everything that I told her not to." Y/n said aggravated.

Sean walked over toY/n and grabbed her shoulders.

"Look at me." Sean stated.

Y/n didn't look. She had crossed her arms and looked away from him.

"Look at me." Sean sternly said.

It was already getting hard for Y/n. She tried her best to look at something different but there was barely anything. Her arms started to tense up.

"Y/n L/n, look at me." Sean said shaking her shoulders slightly.

Y/n tried so hard. She could see Sean's stern face from the corners of her eyes. Y/n closed them. There wasn't anything to stare at and she also didn't want to see Sean's face.

"One last time Y/n, look at me." Sean gripped her shoulder more.

Y/n peeked one eye open, then the other. But instead of looking at Sean, she looked down at the ground. Sean sighed and loosened his grip slightly.

"Look, I won't bother you. Just, just please tell me what happened." Sean said.

Y/n took a deep sigh.

"Mom died last year. Not from cancer or a horrible disease. She didn't die from a crash or get shot or stabbed. Which, I don't know how that would happen. She died naturally. I felt really bad because I wasn't really there for her. I know she would've liked to see her daughter one last time before she passed but I wasn't there. I got the news in the mail one day. I can't remember who it was from but that brought me down, so hard. I loved her so much." Y/n finally looked up at Sean, a stray tear falling from the corner of her eye. "I went to her funeral in Ireland. But I was there, went to the funeral, then left. I knew you would be around and I didn't want to see you. But with mom passing away, you breaking my heart a few months back, getting out of the hospital, having to have therapy for depression and learning how to walk again, I was just stuck in a deep hole. It was horrible. That's why I didn't want to tell you."

Sean stared at her for a few more seconds, just watching the tears fall. With sudden movement, Sean pulled Y/n into a tight hug. It caught Y/n off guard for a second but she returned the hug.

"I will never leave you again, ever." Sean said.

Sean squeezed Y/n tighter, making her come into the hug more. They stayed there for a few more minutes, just enjoying each other.


I hate this chapter...

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