Chapter Forty-Six

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"So, this is how we are going to spend our Valentine's Day?" Sean asked.

The two laid in the snow, their backs facing the cold wet snow while their fronts faced the Night sky. Both their eyes were focused on the cloudy night sky while their hands were connected between them. Y/n's right hand draped over her stomach while Sean's left did the same thing.

"Yeah." Y/n replied back quietly.

Silence dropped between the two. A small breeze kicked up trailing up their covered bodies. A shiver crawled up Y/n's spine, making her shake lightly. Sean, without moving, asked her if she was okay. Y/n replied with a small yes and squeezed his mittened hand.

As they laid their, Sean took a sigh. This made Y/n turn her head to see Sean staring at her. Y/n formed a cocky smile as she huffed out a laugh.

"What?" Y/n asked.

"Nothing." Sean also hugged out a laugh turning his head back.

"No! Tell me please." Y/n begged.

Sean chuckled and turned his head, seeing that Y/n's face was full of questions. Sean's smile grew a small bit as he looked at the confused girl.

"This just reminds me of two years ago." Sean said, the smile still plastered on his face.

Y/n's face grew even more confused. "What was two years ago?"

Sean's face went to shock as his smile tilted slightly. "You don't remember?"

"Obviously I don't!" Y/n slapped their intertwined hands into the ground.

Sean chuckled. His head went back to facing the sky as he adjusted his arm behind his head. He took a small sigh and closed his eyes. Sean reopened them and looked over at Y/n.

"Two years ago, you dated Mark. We hated each other. We all went out for dinner, you told me you two were dating, and I flipped out and left. You chased after me and tackled me to the ground. Then after we just laid in the park for pretty much the whole night before we fell asleep outside." Sean remembered.

Y/n blinked.

- - -

Sean and Y/n laid in the grass still in the park. They gazed upon the stars that twinkled in the night sky. A peaceful silence was between the two friends which neither didn't mind at all.

Y/n could feel that his eyes were fixed on her. She smiled and looked back over at him. She raised an eyebrow as Sean flashed a goofy smile. Y/n laughed and did the same back. They both laughed together.

Then Y/n's phone went off again. She went to go answer it but Sean put her hand on hers. Y/n gasped and looked over at beat up Sean.

"Don't please. Keep this moment flowing and don't ruin it with a text." Sean whispered.

Y/n looked at Sean then back to her phone. She sighed and let it sit there next to her, leaving the text unread nor unanswered.

Sean smiled and wrapped his arm around Y/n's neck. He brought her closer to him so her head rested on his neck. Y/n scooted the rest of her body towards Sean, wrapping his arm up onto her stomach. She lay on her side with both of them looking at the stars together.

- - -

"Yeah, I remember now." Y/n said looking back up at the sky. Her voice was dull and her face had dropped.

Sean noticed Y/n's mood dropped and decided to scoot closer to her. Her unhooked their intertwined fingers and brought his arm around her shoulders comfortably. Y/n adjusted her head in the corner of his arm and shoulder. Her body was closer to his as she grabbed his other hand and covered it with both of her hands. Both of them were looking up at the cloudy sky. Y/n's legs were up so her knees were up in the air.  Sean had his head behind hers, smelling the scent of her dark colored beanie.

Y/n's eyes were growing heavy. Even though they were outside in a comfortable position, Y/n knew she had to stay awake. So, she stared darting her eyes at different objects, but that was impossible. Her eyes closed slowly and gently. With that, her breathing slowed down a bit.

Sean felt the grip on his wrapped hand loosen up. He could hear that Y/n's breathing was small and calm. Sean knew Y/n was asleep.

He leaned in and kissed the top of her covered head. He rubbed her shoulder slightly, making sure she wouldn't suddenly jerk or wake up.

- - -

Sean had taken off all of Y/n's wet clothes and replaced them with one of her heavy big pair of pajama pants and a black long sleeve shirt. Obviously leaving her undergarments on.

Sean wrapped the blanket around her cold body. Y/n shuffled, wrapping the blankets closer to her as Sean crawled into the bed. As he got comfortable, he leaned in and kissed Y/n's forehead sweetly.

"Goodnight Y/n. I love you." Sean whispered.

And with that, Sean's eyes grew heavy and he fell asleep.

Broken Promises (Sequel) #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now