Chapter Forty-Eight

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"Come on!! We're waiting!" Y/n yelled up the stairs, her phone in her hands.

"I'm scared! I've never worn a dress before and I feel like turning back." Charlie yelled back down the stairs.

"I bet you'll look great! Just come down!" Y/n replied.

Charlie took a deep breath. Slowly she reached the steps, grabbing the railing. With one step, she started walking down the stairs. There was no turning back now.

From the bottom of the stairs, Y/n's face lit up. Her smile grew wider when she saw her friend walk down the stairs in her first dress. Y/n was happy for her.

When Charlie reached the bottom of the staircase, Y/n walked over and took a closer look at Charlie's dress.

It was a maroon colored dress that was tight on the top and loose on the bottom. The bottom of the dress hit the bottom of her feet so I wasn't too long that it would drag or too short so you could see her ankles. The sleeves of the dress stopped at her elbows and had a light fold to it. Charlie had put on a grey scarf around her neck to make the dress not look so plain. Charlie's newly dyed dark red hair was curled and her bangs were twisted and pulled back with a bobby pin.

"How do I look?" Charlie asked.

"Fantastic. Adam is going to gawk over you." Y/n winked.

Charlie gasped and slapped Y/n's arm. Y/n laughed and rubbed her arm slightly where Charlie hit her.

"I was joking!" Y/n threw her hands up in defense.

Charlie rolled her eyes. She went over and put on her boots and threw on her coat. Just as she was doing that, a knock was at the door.

Sean walked up behind Y/n and snaked his arms around Y/n's waist. Y/n set her hands on top of Sean's as they watched Charlie open the door for Adam.

"Hey-woah!" Adam said in shock.

"What? Do I look bad?" Charlie asked nervously.

"No! You look wonderful!" Adam complimented.

Charlie blushed. Adam smiled at her. He then placed his hand out for Charlie to take.

"Ready?" Adam asked.

Charlie chuckled and took Adam's hand. "Ready."

Charlie turned around and looked at Sean and Y/n. They both smiled smiled and waved as Charlie did the same back. When the door was finally closed all the way, Sean rested his head on top of Y/n's. Y/n started playing with Sean's fingers as they stood there in the warm house.

"I hope they have a good time." Y/n said still looking at the door.

"Why are you so worried?" Sean asked, his eyes closed as he quietly yawned.

"I-I don't know. I guess that I don't think Adam is good for her." Y/n shrugged. "But what can I do?"

"Nothing. They are both a bit young, like us. Well, except we pretty much know everything about each other." Sean said with a shrug.

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and put her head back to look at Sean.

"Do we really now?" Y/n asked with a sideways smile.

Sean looked down at her with wide eyes. "I'm pretty sure we do! We've known each other for what, 24 years now?"

Y/n's face became shocked. Her mouth became an "o" and her eyes became wide. But slowly Y/n tried to hide back her smile.

"You've been counting?" Y/n asked in amazement.

Sean was puzzled by her question. His eyes furrowed.

"Yeah I have. Why wouldn't I?" Sean asked.

Y/n shrugged and brought her head back up. "I was just curious."

Sean took in a sharp breath and spun Y/n around. Y/n squealed as he did such a quick movement. They're foreheads touched as they're eyes locked. Sean's eyebrows were furrowed as Y/n was in a fit of giggles.

"What's so funny?" Sean asked holding back in laughter.

"You." Y/n said poking her index finger into his chest.

"Me?!" Sean asked.

Y/n giggled even more. "Yes you."

Sean broke the connection with their foreheads. Both of their eyes were locked on each other's as Sean shuffled around, rolling his shoulders as if he was gonna do something.

"And why's that?" Sean asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Because," Y/n giggled more, "you make me happy. See, look at my smile." Y/n pointed at her smile.

Sean then melted. He brought Y/n in close as he slowly brought their foreheads back together. The tips of their noses now touched. Y/n's fit of giggled started to subside.

"Can I kiss you now?" Sean asked whispering.

"Yeah." Y/n whispered back.

And with one swift motion, their lips locked.

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Should Y/n leave w/ Sean?

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