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So this is the second time I got tagged, and this is because of BubblegumBling (THANKS!! XD).So anyway, here's "20 Shmebuloch Shiz 'Bout Meh".

Also, sorry if you thought this was an update. :(

1. When sad music plays in the car, I pretend to be in a music video XD

2. I am super-obssessed with Wattpad

3. When one of my siblings changes the channel and I catch a glimpse of Gravity Falls, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil or Penn Zero Part Time Hero, I start screaming and yelling and telling them to stop right there so I can watch it

4. I love to sing and play instruments. Main thought is I love music a little TOO much XD

5. I love using gadgets a lot, like not the normal love mor gadgets that most teenagers have these days XD

6. I sometimes pretend that I'm in an animation studio and pretend to voice characters or new characters in my favorite shows lol

7. I can't get through the day without singing a song or humming even if I can't really carry a tune XD

8. I had a dream that all my favorite shows came
to life and that the main protagonists from the shows were exchange students and came to live in my house

9. (Connected to my dream in #8) I woke up thinking my dream was real. Oh, the irony.

10. When I find a song I really like, that's the only song I listen to for the whole day

11. When the teacher asks a question I know and I raise my right hand, even if I already answered a lot of questions she asked before, she asks for "other hands." I raise my left hand instead XD

12. I basically do six things each vacation day: Write, Read, Eat, Rest, Study, Sleep. Yep, my life in six words already (Well, not really XD).

13. I make awesome comebacks during chatting, but in real-time talking in person, I suck.

14. I speak these languages not so fluently and I know very little about them: A little bit of Spanish and Japanese, and I speak these languages fluently: Tagalog, English, Schmebuloch (XD) and Flying Ponyhead language. Thank you.

15. I sometimes think about fist-bumping other celebrities, and that happens when I'm very, very bored.

16. I can hold my urine (aka pee) for a maximum of 5-6 hours. Weird.

17. I can deceive my mind. Like, for example, I feel peeing so I tell my mind that I don't feel peeing. I tell myself I won even if I didn't even get close to winning XD

18. I speak "chewing-while-talking-which-could-be-illegal-in-my-comfort-zone" language.

19. I have a favorite Disney Junior show XD

20. I love getting tagged to do chain messages XD


DeniseCortes2003 aka Den-den XD
Ali0288 aka Avi XD
Amber236 aka Iyah XD
Aze_Bagos07 aka Azhrid XD
YazzDezaXD Aka Yasmin Xd
LaraOkol Aka Lara XD
DantesMarks aka Erik lol XD
EstrellaMariposa_ Aka Posa XD
AlleyneBeatriceMauna aka Alleyne XD
Anatashi_236 aka Den-den again XD

So, yeah, I guess that's basically all of it. Now I am gonna START a chain message MIHAHHAHAHH

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