Chapter 8

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~Cass's POV~

"Would you give me that book? Or would you rather die for it?"
Blegh. What kind of VILLAIN does that? That was, by far, the lamest thing I had ever said that day. I mean, I've been terrorizing a lot of campuses for that book already, and I already had that "Awesome Villain" edge already. I couldn't lose that to a puny girl with a very scrawny build!

Anyway, my hands were already outstretched. The book flew out of Kiera's bag. Her eyes widened with horror, as she watched me flick her an evil grin.

"I guess not all heroes win, do they?" I said.

Okay, scratch that. My suavè's back. As I turned the pages, a blur of pale yellow light snatched the book from my hands.
"HEY!" I growled,"That book belongs to ME."
The blur of light stopped, and soon I had a clear visual of who that was. Of course. It had to be him. Caesar Hampton. To be honest, I was jealous. Why would Will's square brother pick someone with that build? He could've picked so many more better people than him, but no. I knew why his four-sided brother chose him. It was the exact same reason why Will chose me. It was because of our silence. We were so not NOTICED by the people around us, that they barely knew we even existed!

And it gave us that "innocent" look, even if we weren't innocent at all. Caesar just smirked. "I'm gonna be needing this."
"NO!" I roared."I won't fail. Not this time."
Caesar's eyebrows cocked high up." 'Not this time.'? How interesting! You failed before!"
"I didn't," I snarled,"And right now, I WON'T."
I knew Will's four-sided brother wasn't powerful. Only the triangular dudes were. They represented the three points of ultimate power!

I underestimated Caesar's skills. I thought he was weak. But I was wrong. DEAD wrong. I didn't know who this was. He was too powerful to be a square or the star's chosen, and too weak to be Will's. Who did he think he was?

"Who are you?" I asked, my aura combining with his own, creating a light so strong.
"Me?" He said, with a smirk, then before disappearing in a flash of yellow light,"I'm the son of the Ciphers."

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