How You Met (William Brandt)

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     You were currently undercover at a dinner. Your task is to obtain files for the IMF and get them back to them in 36 hours. However, you had to sit through boring speeches and conversations with people you didn't know. You had been told there was another agent on this mission with you, but you didn't know who. So you held your tongue, as you didn't want to snap on the wrong person.

"Excuse me, is this spot taken?" A voice asked behind you. Turning, you saw a very handsome gentleman. He wore a grey suit, vlack shoes and his hair was perfectly groomed. 'Wait! Why am I thinking about what he is and is not wearing?' You asked yourself. You shook your head, and he sat next to you. You grabbed your glass and took a sip of water. Don't want to seem conspicuous.

"I take it you don't like these kind of events?" The stranger inquired. Giving him a look, you turned to face the man and replied, "What gave it away? My Resting bitch face or my body language?" He chuckled and held out his hand.
"William." As you reached for his hand, he gently grabbed yous and kissed your knuckles. You smiled as you felt your cheeks heat up.

"I thought chivalry was dead." You commented. With a smirk, he shook his head.
"We exist. You just have to look hard enough. If it's not to forward of me, may I get your name?" Before you could answer however, his phone went off. With a sad sigh, said a quick goodbye and excused yourself to give him privacy.

His Reaction:

His Reaction:

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