You Meet Again (William)

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*Since you went with Ethan, it's only going to be Will and Benji*

Will's POV:

"Hey Ethan, We've received an anonymous message." Benji shouted from across the room. Ethan and I rushed over to Benji and looked over his shoulder. He read aloud:

I have information that you need. Meet me at (Random Parking Garage) at (Random Time) if your team wants my help. Bring everyone...

"Should we go?" I ask, ready to follow wherever he goes. He looked at the screen again and nodded. "Respond to the message, Benji." He turned back to the screen and typed a simple confirmation message. I went back to my room and started to pack a duffel bag with all of the things that I needed.

*Time skip brought to you by Will meeting Clint Barton and Aaron Cross at a coffee shop*

A few hours later, we were waiting in a van when we heard the revving of an engine. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw a lone motorcycle approaching. I gripped the the steering wheel tightly as I saw the rider get off the bike. Benji, Jane, Ethan and I got out of the car, guns hidden in our coats.

The biker approached us at a slow pace when they suddenly held up their hands. With one hand, they slowly opened their jacket, revealing a gun and two bullet clips. They reached in and slowly pulled it out, unloaded it (while catching the bullet), and slowly bent down, setting it on the asphalt, as a way to let us know that we could trust them. When they stood up, they then motioned for us to do the same. I looked at Ethan who nodded, only then did I pull out my gun, along with my team and set the now unloaded weapons on the ground.

"Before we begin, would you mind taking off your helmet so we can at least see the face of who is helping us?" Ethan calmly asked. The biker clenched their fists before hesitantly lifting the helmet, only to reveal... 'Wait! (Y/N)?' I stood there shocked. She shook her (hair length and color) out and ran her fingers through it.

When she made eye contact with me, she just nodded at me and walked toward Ethan.

Your POV:

'What the hell is Will doing here?' You thought. I nodded at him and then made my way over to the man I assumed was the leader of the group. I slowly pulled the pack on my back off and reached into the front pouch and grabbed a memory stick. I hesitantly handed it over to him and simply told him,

"Hope that you know what you're doing. I went through a lot to get this. Proceed with caution." I let go and he replied with a thank you.

I turned around and picked up my weapon and reloaded it. I heard footsteps leaving, but a pair behind me. When I looked up, I saw Will, his hands in his pockets. I walked to my bike and was about to peel out when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"You didn't tell me that you were a spy." he told me, a,smirk plastered on his face. I gave him a 'seriously' look and scoffed before responding with,

"Look who's talking, Mr. Impossible Missions Force." I said crossing my arms. He chuckled. 'God, that laugh. I don't think that I could ever get enough of that.' I told to nobody in particular.

"So what's your specialty? Hacking? Infiltration? Flirting?" He asked me. I looked down and felt my cheeks heat up. I looked back at him and told him,

"What if I said weapons and hacking? Is that surprising?" He raised his eyebrows and shook his head.

"No, it's not. A beautiful woman like you? Any guy would assume that you have experience with flirting. But the fact that you're a hacker and a weapons expert, that is surprising." I rolled my eyes at that comment. I then wondered why he wasn't leaving with is team. As I was going to ask, the leader came out and came up to me.

"Do you have anywhere to go? A team?" I shoved my hands in my pockets and shook my head, not wanting to remember the horrible memory. He looked at Will, who I assumed was silently asking if I could go with them. He then turned to me and held out his hand. I grabbed it and he just said... Well, more like asked... but same difference. Anyway, he asked three simple words, "Come with us?" I smirked and nodded.

He let my hand go and went to turn before he told me, "My name's Ethan by the way. Follow us on your bike. Brandt? Hop in." He got back into the van and started the engine. Will looked at me and grabbed my hand, stroked my knuckles with his thumb and went back to the van. Was I starting to fall for him? Maybe...


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