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Point 1:
America will be referred to as the Butterfly Nation. All Americans will be referred to as Butterflies. Butterfly Nation's population will be divided into two succinct categories, the Body and the Wings. The Body will consist of the politicians and the upper class, the Wings will be everybody remaining. There is another group when delving into specifics, the Antennae - which consists of Military persons. Both persons from the Wings and the Body can apply to be Antennae. If one chooses to ignore the name changes, they will be charged of treason and sentenced appropriately. All states and towns residing in the Butterfly Nation will remain the same (example: Chicago, Illinois)

Point 2:
To show devotion to Butterfly Nation, the Body are all required to get tattooed. It will be a single tattoo of a butterfly; persons are permitted to choose which part of the body (example: wrist) is tattooed and how large the tattoo is, as long as they remember that when asked about loyalty they will be required to show tattoo and therefore it is encouraged to choose a decent, non-bashful  place to put it.
The Wings are required to wear a pendant whenever going out; if the pendant is not worn, Wings will be prosecuted despite excuses. If one loses or breaks the pendant, they must apply for a new one immediately. The pendant, shaped like a butterfly, will also contain all personal information (example: birthdate, address, employment, etc) for the extreme cases in which they must be identified (example: getting taken into custody).
The Antennae must be tattooed as well as have a military broach worn on their uniform at all times. This broach is presented to them after training is complete and they are sectioned. Broaches will be shaped and coloured differently depending on rank.

Point 3:
The Body will be treated to items that will be prohibited to the Wings. This list is constantly changing and thus both Body and Wings should install a television into their homes to watch Butterfly News on what is or isn't available. Butterfly News is a twenty-four-seven programme discussing topics such as the war against The Moths, item prohibitions, employment opportunities and local issues. All other forms of television entertainment has been banned unless you are part of the Body in which you will have access to XXX channels and specialised entertainment shows. Both Body and Wings have been granted access to old 'American' black-and-white films and theatre.
The Body have access to technology advancements produced by the Antennae (example: hovercrafts) and will not be subject to Dupes* whereas Wings may but only for War purposes. Wings must use regular, public transport (example: bus) but will not be allowed to own private forms of transportation (example: cars) to better the Butterfly community.

*See page 12 of pamphlet to gain understanding of Dupes and Dupe culture/power

Point 4:
Butterfly Control is what was once known as the Police. Butterfly Control enforces Butterfly Law. Butterfly Control officers will be referred to as Controlled Butterflies. Controlled Butterflies will be found on the streets, paroling theatre aisles, in Butterfly Control Forts or Antennae Bases, guarding Body homes and will always be equipped with weapons. Controlled Butterflies are permitted to enter Wing homes at any time for random inspections and are also permitted to undergo random interrogations. Do not fret, they are also available for help. If one is suspicious of Moth activity or general rebellion against Butterfly system, they will handle the issue. They are primarily around to ensure your safety and to terminate Moths.

Point 5:
Some areas will include bases, camps or forts for Butterfly Control, the Antennae and the inner circle of the Body. The whole of Washington D.C has been surrendered to be the main Butterfly Base where President Butterfly is located amongst other politicians and intelligence. The whole of New York, New York has been surrendered to be the main Antennae Fort - although some Wings still remain living there, it is encouraged to live elsewhere as Antennae are prone to running military, Dupe and nuclear tests in the area. Butterfly Control Camps can be located in every town in Butterfly Nation, however there are larger camps in the capitals of every state. Although there are main forts and bases for the Inner Body and the Antennae, there are others sporadically placed throughout Butterfly Nation*

*See map attached to pamphlet for exact locations

Point 6:
Any attempt to leave Butterfly Nation will be portrayed as treason and/or terrorism. Such persons will be prosecuted immediately. After torture and interrogation, freedom shall be put up to trial where members of the Inner Circle of the Body decide the fate of the persons. All airways and docks have been shut down. People will not be able to leave. People will not be able to leave or enter Butterfly Nation without proper permits and documentation signed by President Butterfly himself. The waters and skies surrounding Butterfly Nation is under close watch of the Antennae and Butterfly Control. Foreigners are forbidden inside. Anyone who speaks another language which is not English will be taken into custody for questioning and conditioning. This is only a rule because only the deranged and the Moths would want to escape the paradise created for Butterflies here in Butterfly Nation.

Point 7:
Captured Moths will be killed on sight. There is a large bounty on David Atlas*; dead or alive.

*See page 40 for more details.

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