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Felicity combed through her long platinum hair as she looked through the cracked mirror which was covered in tacky jewellery-tears. She liked the colours though, she liked having subtle rainbows hiding around her room whether it be via the plastic tears or on her high-school binder or painted on her underwear. When she finished, she swept her hair behind her shoulders and it rested just above the small of her back. She had already done her bright make-up; a lipstick stain stuck on the cool surface of the mirror from just earlier. She wanted to look perfect, not pretty but perfect. She didn't really like the idea of femininity, she just liked being perfect, especially when Zayn was coming over.

"Princess, are you done?"

Her door creaked open which made her jump; she had to get the lock fixed.

"Don't call me princess" Felicity hissed.

She stood up from her wobbly chair and strode over to her single bed where her dress laid. She lifted it up to her visitor as they shuffled inside and shut the door.

"Is the white too pure?" Felicity innocently asked.


"Well I have a red dress as well but that could be too slutty..."

"Well do you want to impress Dallas or fuck him?"

"Sawyer!" Felicity hissed but ended up in a fit of laughter.

Sawyer folded his arms and coolly leant against the peeling doorframe.

"That's not an answer" He smiled.

"Unlike you, I don't get over crushes by sleeping with their friends... Now help me zip this up" Felicity petulantly demanded.

Sawyer stumbled over to Felicity who had slithered into the white dress.  He helped her zip it up to the bottom of her neck as she held in her breath which was released in one big sigh.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know" Felicity swallowed the last of the sigh down and shook her head.

Sawyer didn't push it and instead cutely poked her nose.

"Let's go outside, they're already here" Sawyer informed and Felicity bit her lip which made him add, "Zayn is an idiot for rejecting you but you're still one of his best-friends. He really wants you to be friends with Dallas too, so let's make an effort. Alright?"

Felicity sheepishly nodded but took her twin's hand who guided her out of her bedroom and to the dining room. Their parents were chatting away to their guests who, when they noticed their arrival, beamed from ear to ear. How could Zayn have the audacity to smile at her like that when only a night ago he was stepping on the pieces of her broken heart?

"Dallas, your girlfriend is here" Zayn jested, elbowing his Lebanese exchange student.

What a dick. Felicity rolled her eyes as Dallas' olive cheeks went pink. It was painfully obvious he had a thing for her but she wasn't going to stoop so low.

When the greetings were done and dinner was served and people's gobs were too full of stew to speak, Zayn took it upon himself to break the silence again.

"So Dallas saw a transvestite for the first time yesterday"

He liked causing a fuss and the twins' parent's so often let him get away with it. They appeared to like him more than their own children.

"Tranzistur?" Dallas questioned in arabic and Zayn just nodded.

"Bet there's none of those in Lebanon" Their dad chuckled.

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