Chapter 18

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The mysterious Game involving three fearless couples went underway so quickly. In fact, we were being pushed out the door the next day. Henry's instructions were so vague. He knocked on my door first thing in the morning and made me get ready in my slacks.

Twist laid sleeping on the bed we had shared for majority of our time in this underwater base. She didn't even flinch when I started shoving my belongings in a duffel bag as Henry shouted obscenities I wasn't even paying attention to. I asked him to wait outside for a second so I could say goodbye to Twist. He was reluctant but did so anyway. I squatted down beside the bed and stroked her long, fading hair.

She had gone from the naked girl on the balcony to my friend to my sister-in-law. Although my days had become so action-packed since the week of my Atlas replacement, I still thought about her everyday and the days she didn't stay in Harry's room, she was here cuddling me. I leant over and kissed her temple.

"Thankyou" I breathed.

This goodbye felt so permanent. Henry was making it feel permanent and it worried me.

"I love you" I mumbled as I stood up and flung the duffel bag around my shoulder, "Without you, I wouldn't have even been brought back into the Moths at all"

"Go back to sleep" She grumbled, rolling over with her eyes still shut.

I smiled and strode to the exit. I didn't look back in fear of my emotional vulnerability taking over.

"Finally!" Henry huffed.

I had stepped out into the hallway and both Henry and Harry were waiting for me. Harry was carrying nothing but a guitar case.

"He said it's a day trip" Harry shrugged at my inquisitive glare, "He said pack light"

"I hope the strings keep you warm at night" I teased before Henry got frustrated at the chatter and started speeding off down the hallway.

We assumed we were meant to follow and we did, in silence. I tried to memorise the halls and the passageways and the doors and the schools of fish swimming by the giant windows and I tried to remember the faces we walked by but the second we stepped into the elevator and I had to say goodbye to it all - I also forgot everything about it. I tried not to be sad. I was coming back, right?

"Szilvia and Sofia have left already"

"What about the other couple?"

"Their Game is held here, there's no need to leave" Henry shrugged, "I'm worried about the timing"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't worry. You'll get a set of instructions when you get there" Henry skittishly explained.

The elevator dinged and we were following him onto level ground. Harry and I kept sharing glances with no needed explanation.

Henry leaded us to a carpark near the beach and stopped at what looked like one of the stolen hovercars from the trial Game I competed in. Henry turned on his heels to face us and held up the keys.

"Who's driving first?"

"Why don't you tell us where we're going first?" Harry's domineering aggression peeked.

"New York City" He bluntly answered, lowering the keys.

"Has this got anything to do with the NYCR?" I questioned.


"Henry, stop being vague and be straight up with us. Without us, there wouldn't even be a you. Cut the crap and tell us whatever it is that you're hiding"

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