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[ 1st couple mini-story // features start of relationship (past) to where they are now (present/future) ]

Their love was as malignant as her cancer. It grew aggressively and invaded all the cells in both their bodies. She had slipped into his bloodstream like a leaking tumour. It metastasised early after it formed just like lung cancer does but grabbed hold of their hearts instead of their weak lungs.

"Can you run these labs for me? I have to find Doctor Quinn" Dr. Kite rushed his words as he rushed the clipboard into a random intern's hand.

He hadn't bothered learning all the names to match all the faces yet so he tended to avoid using one at all. This one seemed petulant though, standing still and staring him down. Nicholas actually froze, he was that stunned by the sinister look but more-so how the intern had the nerve to give it to a fourth-year resident.

"Sir, they have been waiting for you in room twenty four for about that many minutes, I did page you and alert you earlier" He grumbled.

Nicholas had to laugh at his aggression which unnerved the intern; finally he was gaining some form of dominance.

"Alright, go run the labs, Malfoy"

"Malfoy? It's Meloy... This isn't Harry Potter" The intern hissed under his breath as he scurried away to do his superior's bidding despite his irritation.

Nicholas just sauntered on over to room twenty four where Dr.  Quinn stood waiting for him with a new patient. Dr. Quinn was the hospital's head oncologist who only had time for the most important cases. She was snooty and bitchy and haughty... So when you saw her with a smile, delicately talking to a patient and fluffing their pillows, you know she was attached. You also knew the patient was at high risk of dying.

"Ah, Dr. Kite, I'd like you to meet Rose. She just transferred here from Texas, I believe"

"You better believe it" The patient exclaimed with her southern drawl.

Dr. Quinn couldn't stop smiling at Rose as she passed by the bed over to Nicholas to hand him the biopsy, PET scan and CT scan results from there and previous hospitals. Nicholas skimmed them, oh boy was this girl dying.

"Don't try and hide your concern, doctor, I know I'm not in good shape" Rose shrugged and only then Nicholas realised she was knitting, "There ain't nothing I haven't heard before"

She didn't even look up to sass him. She just continued weaving the wool with her needles, her head bobbed down so her oily straw-blonde hair was falling about her reddened face which was barely visible underneath the strands.

"You have bronchiolo-alveolar cell carcinoma, or BAC, if you will. Do you even know what means?" Dr. Kite sassed right back. 

Rose caught his eyes with hers this time, a purple tint reflecting in them that Nicholas couldn't deny was beautiful. They seemed worn with experience and diseased but still purple somehow, radiantly purple. 

"More specifically, it's mucinous BAC, doctor... It's a non-small cell carcinoma which affects the cells lining my main bronchi, in other words the main airway passage into my lungs. It sprouts in lepidic fashion and is spreading throughout my lungs rather than just the lining showing up as sporadic dots on my scans. I would've had a better shot at survival if it had been caught early and if it was just one tumour but it was mistaken as pneumonia at first and now it's too late. It's everywhere" Rose morbidly smirked, "I've been dealing with this for over a year of my life, doctor, I've heard many other obnoxious doctors like you condescendingly tell me what I have and pretend they can fix me only to turn me away to die"

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