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Harry was the first one to step foot in their new home. He was holding his husband's hand and couldn't help hurry him inside too. He had such a big smile on his face that it made Louis roll his eyes. Harry spun Louis around until he was the one in front and slithered his arms around his waist, pulling him back up against his body.

"Welcome to Italy" He whispered, leaving a kiss along Louis' jawline.


Louis sat down at the fountain at the end of the Spanish Steps. He yanked Harry's clammy hands down enough so their faces were aligned and Louis could kiss his husband in front of everyone. He didn't stop smiling as they shared their short kiss and it made Harry smile too.

"Someone is in a good mood" Harry chirped, stroking Louis' face, "Still in honeymoon mode, I see"

He just shrugged, squinting because of the sun and lazily playing with Harry's hands.

"Can we go get some gelato?"

"We haven't even had lunch yet!"

"The heart wants what the heart wants" Louis cockily retorted.

So Harry pulled Louis off the fountain's edge and kissed him again just because he could.

"I know a place"

He lead the way to Ciampini and Louis instantly fell in love. It was exactly what you would imagine an Italian gelato shop to look like; olden, edgy, petite. They entered the store and Louis stole a booth whilst Harry went up and ordered. He still hasn't stopped smiling.

"Looks like a welcome back to Italy is in order"

Louis jumped at the random but familiar voice. He looked around and found Sparrow set up in the booth behind him. He audibly grumbled before turning back around.

"Oi, I was being nice"

"Keep your nice" Louis muttered, picking at his fingernails.

"How's married life?" Sparrow continued to harass him.

Louis stayed silent.

"Being faithful?"

"Do not start this" Louis hissed.

"Louis, you know you can't stay committed, why even bother?"

"Because I love him"

"You loved me but fucked around"

"After you abandoned me" Louis physically turned around to growl at Sparrow.

"Harry abandoned you a long time ago"

Louis gaped, losing his heightened sense of superiority and confidence and slinking back a little. He didn't know what to say to that. He just gulped down hard to stop himself from tearing up and quickly stood up. Sparrow shouted out after him as Louis started walking but he was too upset to comprehend his words.

He rushed into the bathroom so he could cry in private but accidentally bumped into a boy upon opening the door.


"I think you mean 'Scusa'" The Italian boy teased.

"What?" Louis frowned, still holding the bathroom door open.

"Well Tanto means awfully sorry and Scusa is just sorry"

"Maybe I was awfully sorry" Louis joked.

"Alright now I'm the one who is sorry" He chuckled, squeezing passed Louis, "To make up for it I'll give you my staff discount"

"I hope you mean forever"

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