Chapter 7

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Twenty three days I had spent in Harry's hotel room. I stuck to sleeping on the couch and avoiding him as much as I could. I hadn't bothered to ask Henry about Harry's proposition, in fear he might a actually agree to it. In fact I didn't even tell him about Harry, I just told him I got the money and he let me pass the trial.

Surprisingly Harry hadn't gone to extraordinary lengths to win me back. In fact, he fell back into the ordinary routine of our married life as if we weren't in a foreign country and our love wasn't in shambles. He took his morning showers, watched the news whilst eating breakfast, called Niall every now and again, bought take-out when he was too lazy to cook, invited me into his showers - which I never accepted but I could still hear him obnoxiously singing love songs and I could imagine him shampooing his hair... He was still Harry Styles. He treated me like Louis Tomlinson. Only when it was my birthday I realised I was actually Louis Styles.

I woke fairly early but I didn't want to move. My neck was cramping from another night on the couch and I was still so tired despite my lengthy ten hours of sleep. Yet I still stripped myself of blankets and sheets and crawled off the cushions. I yawned and stretched before getting to my feet. There was no point going back to bed, now I was craving tea.

When I went to make the tea, I noticed the balcony door was open and a cool breeze was sweeping in. I thought it way to early for him to be awake too but after being together so long, it was no wonder our body clocks were in sync.

I dawdled over and found him naked and leaning against the railing. What was it about these balconies that made everyone wanna strip down?  Nonetheless I loved his body. He was so much like a lion. He had a majestic mane and he was bold and confident. The stars were trapped inside his skin and making it shine and look warm. His tattoos were highlighted under the morning sun as was his curved spine. He had a star-trapped ass too. Without even realising I had stepped out onto the balcony and shuffled in close behind him; close enough to wrap my arms around his waist, rest my head against his back and contently sigh. His hands dropped from the railing to rest on mine and I could feel he was smiling through his body.

"Happy Birthday, Lou"

We were so old but so peaceful. I was thirty eight now, an age I never thought I'd reach but I did. I was scared, I still am scared to turn forty but holding him made me realise there was no shame in age and living. I had lived and I wanted to keep living with him and-

My phone went off in my pocket and I didn't hesitate to check it. It was a text message from Henry and he needed me immediately. The thoughts of living with Harry disintegrated and my ferocious lust to be in the rebellion replaced them. When Harry turned around, I remembered how punchable his face was.

"I have to go" I hurriedly said and abandoned him on the balcony.


It was like a bad remake of Back to the Future 2. It was as if Doc had become a revolutionist and Marty was a gay, older man who hung out with Doc and a nymphomaniac rather than his husband. 

"This is crazy, where'd you even get these?" Twist frowned, leaning against the side door of one.

I squatted down alongside the same one. I traced the rim of where a wheel should've gone. Yet this car eliminated the need of tires by replacing them with small rocketed pads that repulsed gravity to an extent to keep the vehicle hovering in the air. I could feel the engine humming through the metal beneath my fingers and I could feel the blowback of the anti-gravity blast against my feet. 

"Where I got them is not important" Henry rolled his eyes.

It wasn't important because he couldn't take the credit for the steal of the century. I remembered Mister and Misses Tie and how they were creationists to rob. I briefly looked over to the last two competitors who were clearly peeved that Henry did not acknowledge their efforts and I smirked. It made me feel there was hope to beat them... As if there was any ever doubt I wouldn't.

The Bagman's Destiny Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora