Chapter 9

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I blame Cinderella for the romanticisation of midnight.

There was a knocking on the door to A2 at midnight. Twist and I had been watching movies all day; her sudden contempt for me had dissipated as soon as Colin Firth stepped onto the television I had set up. She hadn't watched a proper movie in ages. She was impressed with The Moths infinite supply of them on their own secret channel. I was impressed they had their own secret channel, if anything. We ended up crashing after watching the final movie of the night, The Lake House, but now I was coming to my senses.

I woke up after the fifth knock and grumbled. I wouldn't be able to handle Harry at such an hour. I'd probably fall into his arms and ask him to carry me to his bed. I didn't want that though.

I stumbled out of bed and grabbed a supplied dressing gown. Twist was a heavy sleeper and was still snoring after the sixth knock. I rolled my eyes and went to answer the door.

"Oh, you're not who I thought you'd be" I half said, half yawned.

"I need to talk to you" Henry urged.

He looked me up and down and couldn't contain a snigger at the dressing gown and the grey slacks that were in a poor condition.

"Man, you still wear those?" He chuckled, "At least you've accessorised now"

He tugged at the sleeve of the fluffy gown and I smacked his hand away.

"Grab your key and let's go"

I obeyed Atlas' command and stuffed the card into my pocket. I guess I had no time to get changed but these slacks had gotten me through many things; meeting the members of One Direction, the first bonfire with Liam, making out with Harry in Nicholas' study, the first time I went in Tara's shed, overhearing the first ever Game plan I participated in, the 'death' of Harry... That was just the beginning of it. They were patchy and fraying now. They were old and saggy but they were Harry's first gift to me and I guess that's why I never got rid of them.

Henry guided me through the maze of the Moth base and I found myself getting caught up in the windows again. He dragged me all the way to the main elevator that brought us up to Venice Beach. I would've been embarrassed to go outside in what I was wearing had it not been so empty. The roads were clear and there we no Controlled Butterflies in sight. The street lamps weren't even on.

Before I could question it, Henry snatched my hand and started leading us on further. It felt nice holding hands with him. It felt familiar. Though I wasn't sure I had ever held hands with him before.

I was so focused on our embrace, I paid no attention to my surroundings and when he let go and I snapped back into reality I discovered we were on a rooftop.

The rooftop was overlooking the beach but I was unsure what building it belonged to. It was fairly high up but I felt comfortable peering over the edge. He came up behind me and suddenly grabbed my shoulders, teasing about pushing me off. When the mini-heart-attack was over, I had to laugh at him.

He sat down on the edge and pat beside him so I would join. I felt like we were actually friends. I never felt like that when I was David Atlas. I saw potential in him as a leader so I made him a leader. I never noticed how gentle his hand and laugh was.

"Want one?"

He had pulled out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter. I never knew he smoked either. I happily accepted although I had no idea what brand it was. However a cigarette was a cigarette and I pushed it between my lips and lit it up and bittersweetly inhaled. He did the same and we sat on the rooftop, watching the waves and smoking our lives away.

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