Chapter 12

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Ero felice

A grey cloud had been hanging about  my head all day. It was just hovering above my crown and I was the only one who could see it; feel it. It was raining too. Black droplets fell from it's heavy presence down my skin and made deep pools around my feet up to my ankles. It resembled tar but felt as light as water. I moved and the cloud and pools would follow. I was weighed down despite how little it weighed at all. The cloud didn't even touch me, it was just overcasting it's shadow and it's black rain which drenched me in depression. I was thinking too much. It was the second of January, twenty thirty.

"We're going to kidnap the President"

I thought those words would pull the sunshine into the equation but the raining started up again until it was pelting down on me and I could barely conjure up the energy to reply.

"Figured" I muttered, staying still in my seat.

Henry had returned and reclaimed his powerful position. This was the first time I or anyone else had seen him since last year. He had called for the most respected and important Moths to gather in the meeting room to discuss our next Game and it came as no surprise to me that this was what he had planned for us.

"This movement has never been successful with doing what you just suggested" Harry frowned.

"No... You, in particular, couldn't but we can" Henry sassed back.

Harry was adjacent to me on the other side of the War table. We shared a quick glance where he dramatically rolled his eyes about Henry's comment and I had to hide my giggle at his antic behind a hand and a false cough. Making me laugh made him smile.

"Harry's right" I decided to say, pushing passed the rain, "Everytime the President gets involved something goes wrong"

"What do you think this movement is about?" Henry growled, "This is a rebellion. We are overthrowing the fascist, totalitarian government for the good of our people. There's no way the President wouldn't get involved. So are you with me or not?"

There was a low, hesitant murmur in agreement with Henry that spread throughout the room. I knew I had to be with him; it was the only way to secure ties with the NYCR. So I nodded and starting rapping my fingers against the table as I waited to hear his plan.

Szilvia handed him over a crimson folder which he hastily opened, eyeing me off every now and then as if he had to ensure I wasn't cracking jokes or losing interest.

"I did not leave Louis in charge in vain. I had spent the week taking the next step in my curfew research. Each night I spent in towns outside Washing DC, taking notes of Controlled Butterfly activity after the curfew and like here they spend a few hours patrolling before disembarking at midnight. The streets of Butterfly Nation remain clear from twelve to five in the morning. We have a window. If we leave here at twelve and drive until five, stop at a motel along the way and keep doing so until eventually we arrive at the wall. This way we will have minimal grievances with the law"

"That's great but we still have the getting through the wall to think about. You need proper documentation signed by President Butterfly himself" Sofia scoffed and Tobias typically nodded in agreement.

"Don't you have that though? He said he had that at the hover race?" I confusedly rambled.

"It was forged by my hand, Lou. Controlled Butterflies are fairly easy to fool but Dupes will be a little harder. We'll need a real signature which is where Harry comes in" Henry smiled at my husband.

I had to stop forgetting to find out what the hell Dupes actually were. 'Spose it was too late to ask now.

"How's that?"

"You worked for his father"


"Their signatures are perfectly identical. I was hoping you would have some old records of his we could confiscate and potentially edit into proper documentation to get passed the wall?"

"I would... had he not burnt my treehouse to the ground or built a wall around the city where the old base was located which had everything that wasn't in the treehouse" Harry sarcastically replied, glaring at Henry like he was an idiot.

There were a couple of awkward beats before I decided to speak up.

"I do"

"What? How?" Harry crudely asked and now I was the one rolling my eyes.

"I worked with him too, remember? I kept this certificate he signed when I first started working for him. I was proud of it. That was before I realised it was one big setup"

My bitterness always got the best of me and I felt the black rain dripping into my brow-burrowed eyes again.

"So, we get documentation then what? We have to get into the White House, if not already heavily guarded it is also overrun with security codes on every gate and every door" Sofia dejected.

I wondered she was in a such a negative mood today but from the cautious Szilvia standing by Henry and looking everywhere but Sofia's eyes, it didn't take long to guess.

"Well, actually" Henry perked up, "I received a phone-call while I was away. It was from a very reluctant but generous Mr. Pelican"

"Jesus Christ" I groaned and rubbed my forehead.


Harry glanced over to me and all I had to do was look back to him for him to make the connection. Birds had to be my least favourite animal.

"Now Pelican wasn't very pleased when we had one of our trial members try to rob him which actually didn't turn out in either of our favours but due to other circumstances he couldn't share, he gave me all the codes needed to get into the White House to President Butterfly" Henry elaborated.

"Hold on, how would Crow, I mean Sparrow, I mean... fuck, 'Pelican', have the codes? It wasn't wired up when he worked there" Harry questioned which got me thinking too.

"I don't know nor do I care. We have a signature, we have the codes, now we just need an execution" Henry insisted, "We should disguise ourselves as important Inner Wing businessmen, which means applying the fake tattoos. Once we're inside the White House we will split up in two groups. One group will handle the kidnapping, the other will handle broadcasting the pre-recorded video"

"What's the video?" Tobias asked.

"I'm glad you asked! I've decided the population should know about our good deed in taking away their captor and our future plans as well. Everyone knows that Butterfly News is recorded at the White House in order for it to overrule all televisions in Butterfly Nation so it plays with absolutely no interruptions. Those in the White House are in control of what is seen by those everywhere and now we plan on being in the White House. Sure, we'll be wanted but when have the Moths ever not been?" Henry almost laughed at it.

"Henry has already recorded the video, we just need volunteers to go on that mission which would mean missing out on the main action" Szilvia added, steering the conversation back on track. 

"I'll lead that group if you want" I suggested, "I'm pretty tech savvy. Besides, I don't really wanna see President Butterfly after accidentally killing his dad and all"

There was soft echoes of laughter at my joke which helped the black rain clear up.

"Alright, it's settled. Henry will lead the kidnapping and Louis will lead the broadcasting" Szilvia smiled.

It seemed fair to share the power for now. If this was successful, even if I had to hand presidency over, I would end up with more power than Henry anyway. It was a waiting game or should I say Game.

"Let's organise who is in what groups before we split up and hold separate meetings"

"We strike in two weeks"

The grey cloud vanished and I felt free.

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