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Maria had promised to marry Tara if they were accepted into One Direction. She felt she had lost a bet standing at the alter rather than gaining profit as their hands felt glued together and Tara was lovingly gazing into her eyes. When they said their dos and kissed one another she was reminded of all they had been through and how much she loved the kid. She brushed a loose strand of ginger hair behind Tara's ear and gave her another quick peck, the happiness flooding back now.

Nobody had attended their wedding, they hadn't made enough friends in One Direction yet but they didn't mind. It just made their wedding day more special, private, something for them and them only. Harry Styles had assured them a member would pick them up from the hall they were wedded and drive them to the airport so they could embark on their romantic honeymoon.

Maria just expected all of One Direction to be kind but as they clambered into the backseat of the black Porsche that had arrived, she felt disappointed. The woman in the front didn't congratulate them or even turn around to smile, she just started driving off again. Tara whispered a crude remark about her in Maria's ear resulting in her biting her tongue to stop rude laughter. She pinched her wife's thigh and rolled her eyes and they succumbed to the silence of the drive.

Before they could go to the airport they had to stop in at the cabin to collect their things. Tara said she was happy to grab everything they needed, kissed Maria's cheek as they pulled up on the driveway and hurried out of the car. Maria was close to hating her for leaving her alone with the silent driver, that was until she turned around.

"You look beautiful today" The Muslim woman uttered and Maria bit her lip.

She looked beautiful? Had the woman looked in a mirror? She had the most gorgeous crescent-moon eyes Maria had ever witnessed. Why did she not meet this woman when Tara and herself were initiated into the movement? Her looks enchanted and intrigued her, even with a hijab swept primarily over her features.  

"What's your name?"

"Sarah. You're Maria, yes?"

"Yes" Maria nodded, "How long have you been in One Direction?"

Sarah just shrugged but continued to politely smile at her guest. She was about to turn back around but Maria didn't want that. She wanted to learn more about this mysterious woman.

"Are you Fetch's sister?" Maria asked, "Your face looks familiar and I thought of them, so..."

"We're twins, actually... Listen, enough chit-chat, there's actually something I want from you" Sarah boldly said, sitting up straighter and her eyes filling with determination.


"I'm a techie and a counsellor and clearly a One Direction member. You used to be a spy, yes? So maybe you could teach me a couple of things? It'd really complete my character"

Maria forgot all about her looks and her meaningful eyes and skinny, fidgety ringed fingers and remembered she was married now. If she kept falling in love at first glances, she'd end up married to the whole female population. So she swallowed her crush down and smiled back; in a friendly manner.

"Yeah, alright"

She could have a student and a new friend. There was nothing wrong with that. In fact, the thought excited her even more, she'd need at least one friend if she was going to be with One Direction the rest of her life; at least, that was the plan anyway.


"We're gonna begin with guns" Maria explained, laying a couple down on the bed of grass beside the lake.

Sarah had made herself comfortable. Her toes skimming the lake water as her fingertips swished through it. Maria didn't blame her for her rather childish manner, the heat was unbearable that day. She missed being on her honeymoon, the weather was always tropical on the island.

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