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When you are born, you take a breath and then you cry. 0807 couldn't do either of those things. Instead a switch was flicked on and a whole row of identical robots came to life. There were no breaths or cries necessary.

"So what's so different about this batch?" A man asked his partner.

They were pacing in front of their new creations; well her creations it would appear.

0807 was very perceptive already. They could recognise and understand and trade roughly a million words of the English language; as well as some other foreign languages in case of illegal infiltration. Yet their training had not begun so learning how to use it for the art of persuasion and deception had not been mastered. They also had basic combat knowledge but 0807 could already tell that them-self and their siblings were made for the mental war. 0807 had assumed knowledge on the war as well. It had not being going on for very long. Maybe a year or less.

"All the other batches are missing one key component" A woman said, the woman who was with the man; they were scientists; inventors, "They did not encompass the one major and most important aspect within humanity"

"What's that?"


The man scoffed and stole the electronic pad from his partner's hands as if to read the stats. He still looked startled even after.

"Why do they need to know about love?" He scoffed again.

"Love is the height of all deception... I once loved a man like an uncle. My father was brutally slaughtered so I spent my childhood without a father and Louis was still there. Him and his boyfriend even ensured us shared housing with Louis' family while I was growing up. I loved him so much but then I found out his boyfriend was the one who killed my dad. I never saw him again. I didn't want to. I've never loved anyone since... Love is the height of deception" She insisted, taking back the pad, "Plus it's predictable, despite what people say. If Dupes are able to grasp the concept of love there's nothing stopping them from destroying our enemies"

"Yeah but Dupes already psychologically damage people by transforming into them, accessing their memories and then attacking. How's understanding love gonna help?"

"If they understand love they could go after their lovers. You're just going to have to trust me" She grumbled.

"Okay Seikatsu. You've proven yourself as my prodigy enough. Is there anything else before I take them to training?"

"Yes. 0807 is mine"


Majority of the other Dupes created the same day had already taken on new physical forms, yet 0807 was still on their default appearance. Seikatsu had been using them for her own personal project and whenever her partner questioned her she would shut him down immediately. 0807 was under strict instructions to keep their work secret from every other scientist and Inner Wing Butterfly who worked in the Dupe department too. It was easy to follow orders due to programming but each day 0807 grew restless. It was almost as if they didn't want to follow orders although that was impossible. They were created to follow orders.

They were also created to understand human emotions, specifically love but their work had not consisted of it. Their orders were as followed; uncover any Moth activity online and find David Atlas. They were never sent to scout outside for the Moths as they weren't a combat Dupe and the government couldn't spare any on useless two-pair parties that never uncovered anything. So Seikatsu forced them to have an online presence, although it felt so counter-productive. The internet had been put on the prohibition list for Outer Wing Butterflies which was what majority of the secret Moths were.

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