Chapter 11

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"Hibiki come here!!!" a dazzling man said while doing a sexy pose.

"Yes, sir" Hibiki said. He appeared in front of the dazzling man along with two other men.

" I see something ahead, we must search the area for my beloved Erza." He said pointing to an area in front of a tree full of rocks.

"Yes, sir" the three men said together and they ran up ahead where he was pointing.

They saw that the rocks weren't really rocks they were Natsy,Lucy,Gray and Happy frozen in stone.

"What happened here?" A young short blond asked.

" I don't know  Eve, but what a waste of such a pretty lady" Hibiki said while caressing Lucy's face. 

The bushes behind them began to rustle the four men got ready to fight only for.....................................................
Wait for it!
Juvia FairyTails water mage to pop out of them.  She saw her beloved Gray-sama frozen in time and flipped out.

!!!!!!" Juvia screamed with water fall tears falling out o her eyes. She latched herself around him hugging his statue.

The dazzling man stepped on a twig causing Juvia to notice them for the first time.

"You did this!!!"she cried and began to attack them.

"Juvia, wait we didn't do this!! " Eve cried as he dodged her attack.

"You hurt my beloved Gray-Sama!!!" She retorted back.  

"We swear, were your allies remember" Hibiki told her. 

Juvia finally calmed down and listened to their explanation.

"I am going to find who ever did this to my love and kill them!!!!!"  and at that she took off into the woods.

The four men looked at each other and followed after her.

................................................................ok so I know this chapter sucked.
No fight scene what so ever.
I promise that their will be a fight scene  soon!!!
Tell me what you think in the comments!!!
Love Bunny-chan!!!😘😘😘

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