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Adrenaline pumps through my veins as I walk over to the file cabinet I saw Crystal put my information into. My heart pumps loud in my ears. I silently slide open the drawer, examining the files before me. They're alphabetized by last name, as I expected. I skim the tops for 'S,' and finally find it.

Styles, Harry Edward.

Is this right? I wage in an internal battle as I stare at the labeled folder in my hands.

I swallow and pull the file out, the smooth manila folder resting in my hands.

This is the moment of truth.

I flip open the file and skim it.

Born in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, England, United Kingdom on February 1, 1989. Educated at Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School and Oxford University with degrees in mathematics and calculations. Past occupations-


The file is dropped from my hands, papers scattering everywhere. I widen my eyes at Harry standing in the doorway of Crystal's office, arms crossed over his chest.

I straighten up, brushing myself off. "Harry."

Harry licks his lips and walks over to me, bending down and retrieving the file. He slowly rises to his full height, eyes unreadable.

He doesn't say anything yet and it terrifies me.

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

"Sorry," He repeats, his voice deep. "You're sorry." He looks up at me with blazing eyes and I swallow.

I stay silent as he runs his tongue over his lips, looking back down at the folder in his hands. My heart pounds loudly in my chest.

"Are you aware that this is a serious felony?" He asks me slowly, shutting the manila folder and putting it back into the file cabinet. His tone is eerily calm.

I swallow and step away from the cabinet, towards the door.

"You know, when I heard you talking to Zayn, I figured you were just curious," Harry says as he steps toward me, leaving only about a foot of space between us. "But now that I've caught you with my confidential file..." He shakes his head, his eyes mean. "I see that you're just nosy." His eyes flash.

"I-I'm sorry," I stammer.

"Rose, you need to mind your own fucking business. Yes, I know you've had encounters with people I'm involved with. Yes, I know you know more than you should, but that's not an invitation for you to snoop around my confidential file after hours!"

"I'm sorry!" I shout. "I'm sorry that you baffle me and that you're so secretive that my curiosity is eating me alive!"

"You could have asked me anything that was in that file," Harry growls.

"You wouldn't have told me shit, and you know it!"

"Why does it matter to you, Rose?
Why do I matter?" His eyes are such a dark shade of emerald they're almost black in the dim lighting of the office.
I shrink back away from him, averting my eyes.

"I should turn you in for this," He says, turning his back on me and walking over to the window. "But I won't." He looks back at me, his expression once again indecipherable.

I want to question him, but instead I turn and pace away from him. There is nothing I can say to him to truly justify my actions.

Why did I think I could get away with looking through his file? I'm such an idiot. A nosy, stupid idiot.

By the time I reach the ground floor, I'm out of breath. I curse myself for wearing heels again and head outside, looking for Aaron's car.

Harry storms out of the building shortly after me. His expression is surprisingly calm as he walks up to me. I look away but he reaches out and touches my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes. His touch sends volts of electricity through me, his skin warm. He drops his hand to his side and stares at me, his gaze intense.

"Do I scare you?" He asks me. The wind blows slightly and his tie flutters, along with his hair.

"What?" I ask.

"Do I scare you?" He repeats.

I shake my head stubbornly. "No."

"I don't care if you tell me the truth," He says, almost desperately.

"I already told you," I say. "You don't scare me. Why would you?"

Something in his eyes shifts and he turns away, sticking his hands into his pockets.

I take out my phone to call Aaron. It won't surprise me, honestly, if he forgets me again. I guess I just thought third time's the charm, but apparently I was wrong.

If he doesn't pick up, I'm done with him, my mind says.

He doesn't pick up.

"Dammit!" I curse into the wind, shoving my phone back into my bag. I sit on a nearby bench and put my head in my hands. Why did I ever think Aaron would pick we up after all the times he's forgotten me? He won't change. He was bullshitting me the other night. I should have known.

Harry sits beside me on the bench. I have no idea why he's still here. Seconds ago he was yelling at me, and now he's completely calm.

"I am so fucking sick of being put second," I blurt. Harry looks at me. "I'm sick of being told a stupid medical internship means more than me, I'm sick of compromising, I'm sick of being stood up." I take a breath. "I'm sick of being nice to everyone, I'm sick of following the rules all the time, and I'm sick of watermelon gum." The wind whips at my hair. I feel oddly lighter after my small rant, and I lean back on the bench.

Harry pulls his pack of mint gum from his pocket and holds it out for me. As much as I try to fight it, a small smile creeps its way onto my face and I accept it, unwrapping the green foil and popping the piece into my mouth.

We sit in comfortable silence for a few moments longer. The icy wind continues to blow around us, earning shivers from me. I don't know what I'm waiting for at this point; Aaron obviously isn't coming for me.

The mint gum is sweet on my tongue as I chew it. I feel Harry's presence practically radiating heat next to me.

"So, you going to dump him?" Harry asks.

I shrug. "I don't know," I say. "Aside from his job interfering, he's great-"

"Bullshit," Harry calls me out.

I look at my lap, knowing he's right. "I can't just break up with him," I say.

"Course you can," Harry says. "You're just afraid of being alone."

I look over at him. "No, I'm not."

"It's obvious. This guy treats you like absolute shit and you still cling to him."

"I'm not clinging to him," I snap. "I could leave anytime."

"Then do it," Harry challenges. "I know you want to."

"I...I could love him."

Harry snorts. "All right."


"You're lying. To me, and to yourself. Don't let this guy push you around, Rose. You're better than that."

I cross my arms over my chest. "I don't need this right now."

Harry is silent. I hadn't realized how close we were sitting on the bench; our thighs almost touch. There seems to be some invisible field of electricity sparking between us as we sit in the cold.

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