T w e n t y F o u r

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cutiepiezayn: are you okay now?

swaggyjustin: yeah, honestly I just needed someone to hold me.

cutiepiezayn: I'll always be here to hold you, Justin.

swaggyjustin: I know baby, I know.

cutiepiezayn: :).

swaggyjustin: so did you enjoy the movie?, aha ;).

cutiepiezayn: yes ;). But seriously I would've enjoyed it if it wasn't for you kissing me every 5 seconds.

swaggyjustin: you're saying it like is a bad thing.

cutiepiezayn: the only bad outcome was the GIGANTIC HICKEY YOU GAVE ME. -.-

swaggyjustin: you weren't saying that in the process ;).

cutiepiezayn: well Liam was not continually poking it and asking where it came from in the process -.-

swaggyjustin: #sorrynotsorry

cutiepiezayn: I hate you>:(

swaggyjustin: aha that's not true and you know it.

So, Zustin were continuously making out and Justin gave his baby zee a hickey, woah I was wondering if I should've written this but nah, I'll give you guys some good action later. ;)

Question: TiO or lUcOzAdE?

Answer: lUcOzAdE atm.


-Jackie :P.

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