Chapter 1

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"Serena.... you need to get up for school!" Grace yelled from downstairs. Seconds passed and there was still no response.

"Ugh" she said in annoyance. "Fletchling could you be a dear and wake her up for me?"

"Fletchling!" She exclaimed as she flew out the window of the kitchen and into Serena's bedroom window upstairs. "Fletch!" She said again as she gave Serena a peck on the forehead.

"I'm up, I'm up!" Serena yelled as she fell out of bed. "You know I hate it when you do that to me Fletchling" she said. "Fletch, Fletch" was all it said before flying out the window again. "I can't believe it's my first day of school! Sophomore year had better be better than my freshman year that's for sure" she whispered as she looked in the mirror, inspecting her hair. She effortlessly fixed the rats nest that was her hair and quickly changed into her favorite outfit. A black sleeveless shirt that had a white collar around the neck, a red skirt that reached to just above her knees, and to complete her look she placed her pink hat with a black ribbon on top of her flowing blonde hair. 'Perfect' she thought as she glanced over herself once more to make sure nothing was out of place or askew with her normal look.

"Serena hurry up or you'll be late for school!" Grace yelled. 'Ugh' she thought. Her mother can be so annoying, but she was right. She didn't want to be late on the first day! She ran down stairs and came into the kitchen to see her mother making breakfast. Her mother was standing over the stove finishing the eggs. Grace had burnette hair and wore a dark blue t-shirt. She also had a pair of leggings on and a green sweatshirt wrapped around her waist, her normal attire.

"It's about time" Grace said, "I was worried you weren't going to be eating this morning."

"When have you ever known me to skip a meal mom?" Serena replied sarcastically.

"Oh hush" Grace replied. "You need to hurry up so you can meet May to walk to school"

"Oh yea, how could I forget?" Serena said as she started to demolish the breakfast before her. She finished up, placed her dirty dishes into the sink and then headed towards the door grabbing her backpack and the poke balls containing her companions Braixen, Pancham, and Sylveon. She put them into her bag and yelled "Bye mom, I'll see you later tonight!" and she ran towards her next destination.

After running for a block or two she wound up outside of May's house. May was probably her best friend. While she had many friends, May just seemed to be the one she shared the most in common with and also seemed to be the most level headed of all of her other friends. She waited outside for a few minutes noticing how nice her house was. Not that she was super rich or anything but with her father being a gym leader back in the Hoenn region they never had to worry too much about money. She continued to notice certain details around her letting her mind wander, until she saw the door open and May leaving her house towards her. May was wearing her normal getup. She wore a bright green bandanna on top of her head. This cause her burnette hair to part to both sides of her head. She also had an orange mini dress. She had a pair of dark blue shorts underneath and as always her green bag around her waist Carrington her pokeballs.

"Serena!" May shouted, "How was your summer? It feels like I haven't seen you in forever!" May continued as she ran towards Serena and embraced her in a tight hug.

'That's because you've been in Hoenn all summer' Serena thought to herself but resisted the urge to say it. "It's was great, a little boring but better than being in school for sure!" She said.

"Sorry to hear that Sere, we better head to school now." Serena nodded and they both walked towards the school as May talked about her time in Hoenn.

They finally arrived at school and saw all of their friends hanging out in front of the school by the giant oak tree that stood in the courtyard. The school wasn't that impressive but considering it's age it was still in very sound condition. It was built almost 100 years ago and was considered huge for its time. As other building sprung up around it, it was quickly realized it was undersized. The school was made completely of brick and it reminded Serena a little bit to much of a prison. As they walked up to their group of friends one in particular seemed to move towards the approaching girls.

"Hey Serena..." the young boy said.

"Hey Calem." She said awkwardly. Calem was one of her friends. He was moderately tall and always dressed the same (just as everyone else did). He wore dark blue jeans and a light blue jacket. He had a red hat that always had a pair of sunglasses on the brim even if we were going to be inside. Serena wasn't the biggest fan of Calem because during freshman year, he asked her out and she had to turn him down. They were really good friends up until that point, but she couldnt look at him the same way after that and they started to drift apart. She just didn't like him like that but he seemed to think the world of her. He always talked to everyone and to her like he was positive they were going to end up together. It was flattering but wierd at the same time.

"Quit being a creep" one of the other guys said. This was Gary. Gary was an interesting character. For no reason at all he had the biggest ego. Sure he was decent at battling but he was never good enough to be cocky about things, and here he was, being cocky as ever. He had long spiky brown hair. He wore purple pants for some reason. He also had a black shirt that had a v-neck on it. He had a necklace that he always wore. It had half of an old broken pokeball. He said it was important to him and that an old friend had the other half. Along with Gary and Calem, the group of friends consisted of one other boy named Paul. Paul tended to stay quiet but when he did talk, he was very appethetic and had a condescending tone to anything he said. He wore dark grey pants and had a long sleeve shirt. It had black sleeves and was purple in the torse. The only thing nor normal about this guy other than his attitude was his purple hair.

There were also a few more girls that made up the rest of the group as well. They were Dawn and Misty. Dawn was a very optimistic girl. She had blue hair that she kept in a white hat. She wore a pick skirt and a black sleeveless shirt. She wore pink boots that went up to her knees. To top off the outfit, she had a red scarf that she always wore. Misty on the other had was very aggressive. She had bright orange hair that had one ponytail going off the side of her head. She wore a yellow shirt that only went to her belly button. She also had jean shorts. The last thing to complete her outfit was a pair of red overalls the connected her clothing.

That's when the bell rang and they headed towards the front entrance of the school. As they walked, May tried to make conversation, "Did you hear that we got a new student this year?" She asked the group. "Because I actually know who it is.

"Really?" Gary questioned, "because I actually had a friend that is supposed to join this school this year as well. We grew up together but when I left Kanto and moved to Kalos we lost touch but he's been in good hands with my grandpa who sent him here. His name is Ash..."

"Ketchum" May said finishing his sentance.

"Thats exactly it. How did you know that May?" Gary probed.

"Because... he happens to be my cousin..." she said.

Authors Notes :D

So this is my first fanfiction and my first writing in a long time. I used to write a lot but when high school started, my sports and my advanced placement classes really killed my free time. Now that my schedule is cleared up I plan on writing a lot and I hope you guys will enjoy it as much as I do. As always if you have any questions, comments, and or concerns, feel free to leave them in the comments or pm me and I will respond asap. Thanks for reading :D

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