Chapter 13

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So we hit 100 followers! What? How? Lol. I did not expect this at all. I can't thank you all enough for the support. To celebrate I've decided to do a shiny give away! To enter simply comment below saying you want to enter. Based on how any people enter I will then use a random number generator to select the winners!
The prizes are as follows:
1st. - Shiny Ho-Oh
2nd. - Shiny Zapdos
3rd. - Shiny Greninja (probably my favorite lol)
4th. - Shiny Eevee
And Finally a Shiny Riolu!

Anyone else who would like to trade my friend code is as follows:

(I do have a lot of other shinies that I'd be willing to part with especially because with sun and moon coming out I will not have the box space for them all so fell free to check out my stock lol)

I will select the winners on the date of Friday November, 25th!

Anyways hope you all enjoy!


'Wake up!' A deep, echoing voice shouted.

Nothing happened....

'I said wake up! I command it!' It continued to shout.

Ash awoke with a jolt. He hesitantly looked around to try and determine his whereabouts.

He was in a very dark, small room with only a window as a light source. The room itself was what seemed to be a small bedroom. There was a twin sized bed placed in the corner with a dresser placed on the opposite wall. Upon the dresser was a small TV. The walls were littered with posters of famous pokemon trainers. There were some of the newly crowned champion of Sinnoh Cynthia, while others consisted of the charming and smooth talking Steven Stone.

What stood out most from this situation was the figure that was sleeping in the bed. The mess of hair sticking out of the comforter.

Ash was currently laying face up on the ground. His back upon the cold hardwood floor. He slowly stood up, taking in the familiarity of this place.

"Where am I?" He asked no one in particular.

"This is you subconscious." The same deep voice replied.

Ash looked around but couldn't see who was talking to him.

"You will not see me where you are. You have been banished to the distortion world it seems." It said.

"But why? Dialga and Palkia didn't even let me explain. They...." Ash said before he was interrupted.

"They are imbeciles and lack common sense. Anyone who manages to climb that Zubat infested mountain and is pure hearted enough to make my staircase appear has a valid reason to be there." The voice explained.

"Your staircase.... so you're Arceus then?" Ash questioned.

"I am. And I must apologize for the interference of those two. They are my son's but they are also adopted." Arceus said reluctantly.

"So why did they send me here? What is this place." Ash questioned the pokemon God.

"This is the distortion world. It brings about the worst memories of beings who have the displeasure of being banished here. As for why... they fear you. They fear being captured. After what happened to Giratina, most of my legends have been rather uneasy." Arceus informed.

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