Chapter 6

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Serena's POV:

Dawn and I were walking home from Ash's house after the battle had ended.

"So what did you think of the battle?" Dawn asked.

"It was really amazing! I thought Calem was the best battler we knew but Ash just seems to beat anyone so easily." Serena said, "It's just mind blowing sometimes." She began to think about all the battles she had seen, Cynthia, Calem, and some on TV too. And all just seemed to come so easy.

"Serena!" Dawn said. " What are you doing! You stopped walking silly, we need to get home."

"Oh sorry Dawn. I was just thinking about something."

"Oh yea? Was it about Ash?" Dawn questioned with a smirk.

"Uh.. wh..what are you talking about Dawn? Why would you think that?" I asked. I could feel my cheeks starting to heat up.

"Because you like him. It's pretty obvious actually, you're not doing a very good job of hiding it." She said. I could feel my cheeks heating up even more. I then realized we were near my house and I took of running. I couldn't tell Dawn how I felt even if she already knew. Heck I didn't even know how I felt, but it was obvious to them apparently. If Dawn knew... who else knew. She could hear Dawn yelling for her but she needed to get home before anything else was said.

Dawn's POV

As I watched Serena run away I yelled, "You can't just run away from your feelings Serena!" But she just kept running. The thing is, I couldn't just sit around and watch Serena fail in attempting to discover her feelings. She had to do something. 'Starting tomorrow I'm going to get them together, no matter what happens... and I can get the other girls to help me too!'

Dawn continued walking towards her home. Upon entering her mother welcomed her home and served her supper. After eating, Dawn went upstairs and pulled out her cell phone.

'Hey May!'

'What you want?'

Why does she have to talk like that... she knows I hate it. 'I need your help with something but you can't ask why'

'I don't really like where this is going...'

'Oh shut up! This is important. What do you think of setting up Serena and Ash? I think they'd be such a cute couple! :D'

May took a while to respond to this 'did she think this was a bad idea?' Dawn thought. Just then a response came through.

'Heck yea'

Yessssssssss. This was perfect. With Ash's cousin helping we could definitely get this done. They are going to love us after we get done. But not as much as each other....

Third Person

Dawn ended up falling asleep thinking of ideas on how to set the two friends up romantically. Eventually Friday morning came with nothing much happening. Miette was still mean to Serena and Serena was still trying to figure out her feelings for Ash. She didn't know what they were but there was definitely something there. Ash meanwhile had suspected something was afoot with the girls. Dawn was especially clingy and Serena had always acted a little strange to him but now the other girls would laugh and point in his direction whenever they saw him. He just shrugged it off. Everyone thought he was dense (for some reason) but that really wasn't the case, he just chose to ignore people when they made comments he didn't know how to react to. He liked the thought of people not knowing he knew things.

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