Chapter 9

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~A Few Hours Earlier~

Ash had just left the school. He had let his class get out early but he still had to stay behind. Because he didn't like homework he planned on not giving any, which meant all grades would come from participation. When all the students got to class they signed a sheet of paper signifying they showed up for class. He had to stay behind and mark down which ones hadn't shown up for class so he could grade them properly, this wouldn't be so bad except he had every student in the high school...

Ash was walking home at a slower pace than normal. His mind was on something very important and he couldn't help but feel like he made a mistake. He pulled the box he had received from Lance at his lesson out of his backpack and stared at it whole he walked. He had traded on of his most prized processions for this little box. 'Was it worth it?' He kept thinking to himself. He opened the box as he neared his house and looked at the orb inside. It wasn't anything special, just half red and half white with a black divider between the two colors encircling the ball. In the middle was the white button used to operate. 'What if he lied to me' He thought to himself. He knew Lance didn't like him but would he really try and mess with him like this?

Ash finally arrived at his house and threw his backpack and the box onto the kitchen counter top and walked straight outside with the new poke ball in his hand. Pikachu seeing the look of determination and curiosity in the trainers eyes decided to bail on this training session and jumped onto the couch to sleep.

Ash continued walking, greeting his pokemon in the enclosure as he went, until he arrived in the furthest part of the forest. He found the clearing that he liked to spend time in deep thought and sat down on a large rock. He took a deep breath and tapped the button on the ball and revealed a pokemon. He grinned to himself as he saw that Lance had not fooled him and had held up his end of the bargain. Before him stood a small pokemon that stood on two feet. It was yellow and black. (The black being it's feet and ears while the yellow was it's body, face and arms.) He had two white spheres on the back of his paws and he had bright red eyes. He looked around in confusion not knowing exactly where he was until he saw Ash sitting on a rock grinning at him. Upon feeling the happiness the trainer emmited through its aura ability it couldn't help but grin back.

"Hello Riolu. I'm Ash." Ash spoke to his new pokemon still smiling.

(It is a shiny Riolu. If I didn't explain well enough feel free to look it up. One of my favorite shiny's!)


"Great work Riolu!" Ash shouted words of encouragement as he trained his new pokemon. He was testing his abilities and seeing what he was capable of at the moment and his expectations were surpassed within 5 minutes of training.

"Okay Riolu, let's finish up our training with one last aura sphere and give it all you got!" Ash commanded his new friend.

Riolu nodded and began to focus his aura into his hands. Between them formed a blue sphere that with one final push shot the orb towards a tree that was being used to aim. The orb shot towards the tree and upon impact exploded causing black smoke to surround everything. Ash immediately grabbed his small friend and began running back towards the house to protect his new friend. After he got far enough away he decided to set the pokemon down so that he could walk back. Ash began to praise his pokemon about how impressed he was, until they exited the forest and he saw a certain honey haired blonde. His heart began to beat a thousand times faster. He took off into a run with Riolu following closely behind. He finally got to where she was standing and he saw a blush on her face causing his face to rise in temperature.

"Hey." He managed to say between breathes.

"Hey you." She said back sweetly.

She gave him a smile that made his heart feel like it was going to melt away into nothing.

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