Chapter 11 (Part One)

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Apologies for lack of updates! My reasoning right now is because this next chapter, I plan on splitting into 3 parts, all containing a different event from a different persons point of view. I wanted to have all 3 complete and fully ready to upload before I actually did, and it's finally done! Anyways here's part one and I hope you all enjoy!



(This goes back to the events in Chapter 7)

"Let me see him then." Ash continued.

"I see we have a deal in the makings." Lance said with a smirk.

Ash returned the smirk and followed Lance as he entered into the room behind him. It was a small office with a round table that had three chairs around it. The carpet was a light blue color and the walls were a pale white. Sitting in one of the chairs was non other than Professor Oak. He had his eyes glued to his cell phone that he was holding

"Professor Oak? What are you doing here?" Ash asked.

"Well after hearing Lance's proposal, I had a feeling you had to accept he responded not even looking up from his phone.

'Lance must be pretty serious this time.' Ash thought to himself. He nodded in response to the response the professor had given and sat down at one of the unoccupied chairs while Lance claimed the last.

The three sat in silence for a few moments.

"So where should we begin?" Lance finally said.

"Wait a minute." The professor said while still looking at his phone.

"Why what's wrong?" Ash asked him.

"I need to save my game." Oak said sheepishly.

Lance and Ash sweatdropped and waited while the professor tapped a few options on his phone screen and finally placed it in his pocket. He looked at the two with a grin.

"My apologies. So shall we start?" He asked the two.

"We shall." Lance said with a nod, he turned to face Ash. "Ash I said. I want it."

"Why do you want it so badly?" Ash replied.

"That is none of your concern." Lance said with a bit of venom in his voice. "I want it now.

"And I assume you have him then?" Ash asked.

Lance nodded and placed a pokeball on the table. Ash examined it before turning to the professor.

"Have you seen him?" He asked.

"I have. It's exactly as Lance has described and you will be most satisfied if you follow through." Oak told the champion.

Ash looked at the pokeball on the table again. With a sigh, he reached into his backpack and pulled out the item that Lance so desperately sought after. A masterball. If not the only masterball known to be created. As Ash held it in his hand, he remembered the difficulty of obtaining the stupid thing.

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