Chapter 4

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Serena had awoken a bit earlier than she was used to. She usually got up for school at about 7:00 in morning but she had gotten up today at 6:30. She noticed she had something in her hand. She had fallen asleep still holding the picture, she had been trying to remember all the times with Ash.


"Now I want you all to pick a pokemon from this hat and go into the camp and try to find it! When you do, come back and you will receive a prize!" Professor Oak said to the on looking campers. Serena was among these campers and was still upset that she even had to be here. She told her mother hundreds of times she didn't want to go to this stupid camp. 'Why did she make her go anyway? To make friends that she would then have to leave after the camp?' She thought to herself.

As all the campers selected a pokemon to find their pokemon, Serena had finally gotten hers,it was a rattata. 'What the heck is a rattata' she thought. Being from Kalos, rattata where not commonly found. She decided a good place to look would be the forrest. A lot of pokemon live there so that made sense. As she looked around all of the campers split up into groups of friends to try and find their selected pokemon. This made Serena sad, she didn't have anyone to help her or to converse with while she trekked through this unknown terrain. As she headed into the forrest she began aimlessly looking for something that could be called a rattata, she heard everyone else who was in the forrest conversing with their groups. She heard some people talking about pidgeys and others talking about spearows. After a few minutes of wandering she realized she could no longer hear everyone.

"Where... where is everybody?" She said as she looked around not knowing what to do. Just then she heard a rustling in the bushes. She tried to run away from the unknown bush rustler but slipped as she turned away. While falling, she tried to catch herself but ended up scraping her knee. The rustling only got louder as tears started to form in her eyes.

As she looked in terror at the bushes a blue frog proceeded to jump out. It had a white belly with a black spiral that moved inwards. It turned to her and yelled "Poliwag!" and walked off into the forrest.

"I knew I didn't want to come to camp. I knew it." She said as tears rolled town her cheeks. The bushes began to rustle again. 'No, no, no not again' Serena thought to herself.

The rustling stopped for a moment as a boy about her age stepped out. He had long, spikey, black hair and stunning brown eyes. He work a sleeveless red shirt with a pokeball emblem on the front and blue shorts.

"Poliwag?" He said while looking around. He then noticed Serena on the ground. "Hey are you alright?" He asked whispered voice full of concern.

"Huh" was all she managed to say.

"Hi, I'm Ash. Who are you?" He asked. Serena didn't respond but instead just continues to look at him with tears continueing to roll down her cheeks.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"I hurt my leg." She said

"Don't worry." He said. He looked a Serena and smiled. "This will make it all better" He said as he pulled out a blue hankerchief. He began to wrap it around her leg, completely covering the scrape on her leg.

"All done!" He said again flashing his smile to Serena. She tried to move her leg but it still hurt her. "Now watch this" Ash said full of excitement now. "Feel better, feel better right away!" Ash yelled while waving his hands around the hankerchief.

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