Chapter 11 (Part Two)

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'That was the most amazing night ever!' Serena thought to herself.

She was currently sitting in the passenger seat of her mother's car. Since it was so late at night Serena had called her mother to come and pick her up after the party. They were making their way home in an awkward silence. Serena simply gazed out the window with a huge grin on her face.

"So I'm guessing you had a good time?" Grace finally said.

"You could say that." Serena said with a giggle.

"Can I ask if Ash is your reasoning for a good time?" Her mother asked.

Serena blushed and looked out the window again. "You can not." She responded.

"Okay okay. As long as you had fun." Grace said as she gave her daughter a wink.

Serena didn't respond but instead looked out the window hiding her blush behind her hair. They continued heading towards their home in silence as Serena reflected upon the events of the night.

'What will they think if Ash and I started dating? Are does this make us now? Are we.... dating? Or just friends? Who kiss each other? Ugh'

Serena, while still in thought about this night, walked to her room and changed into something more comfortable, that being some sweatpants and a random t-shirt. She went to her bathroom and began to scrub her face of the makeup she had caked on previously and headed back to her room. She immediately jumped into the bed and covered herself with the comforter and began to drift asleep. As she did she couldn't help but smile at the amazing night with Ash.


"What should we do Calem?"  Miette asked.

Calem was currently sweeping the floor to the giant room that everyone had been dancing in muttering about how people need to learn how to clean up after them selves. When Miette spoke to him he looked up.

"Well instead of sitting there you could help me clean." He said in an annoyed tone.

She sighed at his remarks. "That's not what I'm talking about idiot. I'm talking about my Ashy!" She yelled. Her yell seemed to echo throughout the now empty house.

"Are you OK in there?" Calem's mother yelled from across the house.

"Yes mother. We are fine." Calem shouted back. He gave a glare to Miette who only shrugged in response.

"You need to quiet down.... but I do see your point. I could care less what you and your Ashy do," Calem said putting extra emphasis on the Ashy part. "But I do care what that nuisance does with my Serena."

"Well I think we can work together to accomplish our goals." Miette said with a smirk.

"Why do I need your help? I can win her myself. All I need is my good looks." He said with a wink. Or at least he attempted to wink, he ended up just blinking really hard with both eyes.

Miette stared at him for a moment before bursting out into laughter. She got to the point where tears were forming before she finally got control of herself to see Calem glaring at her.

"Wait you were serious?" Miette asked. She pulled a small mirror out of her clutch purse and was checking to see if any of her makeup was messed up from her tears of laughter.

"Of course I was serious. Why wouldn't I be?" Calem asked.

"Because that won't work." She said causing Calem to frown. "You need my help. Plus I get something out of it too."

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