Chapter 10

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*Fluff near the end of this :/*

Ash had just walked into the school much happier than any other day. Sure he was the champion of literally all of the regions of the world, but yet today was different. Yesterday something amazing and unexpected happened and he still was in disbelief that such a thing could ever happen to him.

He hadn't needed to stop at his locker to grab any books or anything because his first class was cooking. He seemed to get along with Mr. Brock pretty well so he decided to go hang around the room until class started.

He walked towards the room and entered finding Brock leaning back in his chair with his feet up on his desk sleeping, (since Ash was a teacher as well, he told him to call him Brock).

Ash sighed to himself and decided not to disturb his friends sleep at least until class started. He instead decided to pull out his notebook and begin planning out a lesson for next Monday. He took the teaching position because he thought it would be fun... and it was but the stress of trying to come up with a new lesson every week was killing him.

He continued to scribble notes and ideas in the notebook as people started showing up for class. He didn't pay any attention to them and just continued to brainstorm. A few more moments had passed and almost all the students had shown up for class. He was finishing his last note when he heard someone clearing their throat. He looked up to see someone he didn't particularly want to see standing at his designated table.

"Hey Miette." Ash said trying to be friendly. He put his notebook away and looked up to see her smiling brightly at him.

"Hey Ashy." She said flirtatiously. "Did you hear about the big party tonight?"

"Yea Calem's." Ash replied hesitantly.

"Great! So would you want to go with me? I still need a date and would love for you to accompany me." She said with a wink. Some of the girls in the class sighed that Miette had gotten to Ash first. Some of the guys had sighed knowing that Ash would be the one to get Miette.

"Actually I have to turn you down." She almost fainted at hearing that. "I've already been asked." He told her sheepishly.

"Who could have possibly got to you first? I'm the only one that should be able to go with you! I'm the only one popular enough!" Miette was almost yelling now.

"That would be me..." a voice said quietly behind Miette. Gasps were heard everywhere in the room. Murmuring was heard throughout the room. 'Her? She asked him?' or 'Does anyone else not really care about this party?'

Miette turned around to see none other than the girl she despised above all others.... Serena.


"So what happened next?" Dawn asked her friends. They were sitting at the lunch table and Ash was telling them about this mornings happenings.

"Oh, Mr. Brock woke up and told everyone to return to their seats." Ash said sheepishly.

Everyone sweatdropped and looked at him while he grinned wildly. As they began to split up into their own conversations Ash and Serena began to talk about their plans for the night.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" Ash asked his blonde haired friend.

"Well my mom wants to meet you so we're going to have supper with her." Serena said shyly.

"That's awesome! I can't wait to meet your mom." Ash said with a chuckle. "So should I just show up at you house then?"

"Yea that would work. I can text you the address so you know when and where to go." Serena informed him.

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