Authors Note

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Ok guys, first off lemme tell you how sorry I am for not putting the next part up. I've got some reasoning but it's also been a lot of me and my habits (lazy, procrastination, and just lack of time).

So first off if you guys remember, I said that I had all of the parts written and ready to go. I did want to wait a little bit of time in between posting chapters because I wanted to get some feedback just in case I needed to change anything. I'm really glad I did because the chapter that I hope will be coming out soon (I don't have a definite time yet), I had planned to give Ash... Mewtwo. I had written out this entire scene of how he finds and battles with Mewtwo and I really loved how it turned out. Then I started to get some comments on last chapter that people wanted Ash to capture Arceus. So I went through and scrapped my Mewtwo draft and began to think of an interesting way for Ash to get Arceus rather than just walking somewhere and bam. So after a lot of brainstorming, a few days later I had written what could be a full chapter on its own of how this happened. I didn't quite finish it however. So the next day I went to finish/post the chapter aaaaaaaand it was gone. The whole chapter got deleted and I had to start over. I was really upset because I thought it turned out really well and now... well... I kinda lost some motivation to write it again. Everytime I tried to write some of it I just couldn't get anything going. So I decided to take a but of a break from it because I don't really wanna force it and then it suck. I want the best chapters for you guys and I hope you'll understand. I've been thinking a lot about it and I finally found some inspiration by re-doing the entire Arceus thing... again. So not only is it different but I hope it will be even better lol. So I hope you guys understand and I really feel bad about this setback. Hopefully whenever I get this chapter done, it will be easier for the next ones. Anyway everyone, thanks for understanding and thanks for all the support and interest you've all shown me in this book. It's been awesome and hope it will only get better from here. Thanks! :)

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