Chapter 5

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"I'd love to Serena" Ash said as he turned back to a dress the crowd. "Alright everyone that's enough for today. Come back some other time or something, ok?" There was a murmur of disappointment in the crowd as they dispersed around him. "OK Serena, lead the way" He said with a wink.

Serena blushed a bit at this wink and turned to return back to her lunch table with Ash following close behind. When they reached the table Gary was the first to look up and notice Ash.

"Aye, Ashy-boy! I was wondering why you weren't sitting with us." He said.

"Well sorry Gary, I didn't know if you all wanted me to." Ash responded while scratching the back of his head. "Besides I wouldn't want you all dealing with my crowd of 'admirers'" He said sarcastically.

"Nonsense! You are always welcome here! Come in sit down already" Dawn said while pulling him down next to him. So what classes do you have left Ash?" Dawn continued trying to keep his attention.

"Oh just the normal stuff, math, then science, and then history to finish of the day." He said aesthetically.

"Well at least we have some classes together. Maybe we could sit together!" Dawn said with a wink.

"Yea maybe" Ash said with a chuckle.

Ash then turned his head to someone else sitting at the table. "So Calem," Ash said, "you look familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?" Calem looked at him shocked that he didn't remember.

"Well kinda. You destroyed my in the Pokémon league" Calem said with a bit of disappointment.

"Oh sorry about that. So what round did you make it to?"

"I got to the finals." Calem responded again getting a little annoyed.

"Thats awesome, that's really good for your first league. I think I remember your Tyrantrum actually. You were actually pretty good." Ash said trying to cheer him up.

"Thanks. And we've gotten better. Would you wanna have a rematch after school? I've been training really hard and I think the outcome might be different this time!" Calem said with fire in his eyes.

"I'm always down for a battle!" Ash said while giving a thumbs up. "Meet me after school and we can go to my house. I have an arena in my backyard."

"What?!" They all said.

"You really didn't expect the champion to not have an arena did you?"c He said with a laugh. Just then the bell rang and they were off to their classes. The classes all seemed to drag by to Ash even with Dawn basically hanging on his arm the entire time. 'I swear there's something with her that I don't seem to be getting. I've had girls like me before but it looks like she is just trying to get attention from me' Ash thought while not paying attention in science class. When history class came around it got a bit better because Professor Oak was teaching. He taught about the history of Kalos and how it started and allow that stuff that Ash already knew. He was hoping for a little more in class but wasn't getting it. 'I'll talk to Oak later and see what else he has planned for the year to see if there is anything to look forward too' Ash thought to himslef. When the bell rang Ash dropped his stuff of at his locker and went to the oak tree in the front of the school waiting for his friends. When they all arrived they walked to Ash's house. He had a moderate sized house. Not exactly what the champions house should look like. But once they entered everything was just so nice and perfect. Everything was sparkling and glistening in the spun light that leaked through the open windows.

"I see mom's at it again" Ash said laughing to himslef. "Hey mom! I'm home! Where you at?"

"I'm in the kitchen honey" a feminine voice yelled back from the kitchen.

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