Chapter 5

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"What? Are you serious?" I asked, my heart starting to beat faster.

"Nah, he's here, I'm just messing."

"I'm going to slap you so hard, don't do that to me."

She laughed, "Alright, he's already out there," she glanced at the clock, "we gotta start lining up."

A few minutes later, I'm about to walk down the isle, but I'm shaking like a leaf.

My dad put his hand over mine, "It's just Chris.. Calm down."

I nodded.

"I called it."

"What?" I asked turning to him.

"I told your mom about ten years ago that you two would end up together."

"Why does everyone say they called it?" I laughed.

"You two were made for each other, everyone saw it but you two, until now."

"Don't make me cry! I'm not even out there yet!" I laughed.

Once everyone went, it was my turn. My dad slowly walked me down the isle and Christian's face lit up.

If he cries I'm gonna cry...

We got up there and my dad handed me off to Chris with a nod, then sat down next to my mom, who's already crying.

Oh these people..

Everything the priest said went by as a blur, Christian teared up while saying his vows and I cried, he teared up while I said mine while I cried some more.

After we said "I do", the priest said, "You may now kiss the bride."

Chris pulled me in by my waist and I pressed my hand against the back of his head, pushing him closer.

Everyone cheered and clapped, then once we pulled away, Chris looked me in the eyes, "You are now officially Mrs. Chris Collins."

"Has a nice ring to it." I winked.

The wedding party stayed outside for photos while the guests went inside.

"Chris, pick her up bridal style and kiss her, and Nikki, put your hand on his face-"

I gently slapped my hand on to his face, covering it.

"Not like that." The photographer laughed with us, then I put my hand on his face the right way and kissed him.

I got pictures with my girls and he got pictures with his guys, then we went inside to dance and stuff.

"Now it's time for the couple's first dance as Mr. and Mrs."

Chris stood up and took my hand, helping me up. I blushed and he smiled and kissed my cheek.

Every started aww-ing and I heard my friends squeal.

The song Love Me Like You Do by Justin Bieber came on and I smiled and laid my head against his chest.

I looked up at him halfway through the song and smiled, he smiled back and started singing to me and I melted.

"Love me like you do, hold me tight and don't let go."

I heard the clicks of camera's all around us, but all that matters is him, and God, I'm so thankful for him.

The song ended and he lifted my chin up and kissed me, everyone cheered and I smiled, then we did a father-daughter dance.

My dad cried, which made me cry, which made pretty much everyone cry.

"So Mrs. Collins," Chris started and my heart started pounding, "what are we doing after this?"

"Sleeping?" I said sarcastically.

He winked and kissed the side of my head.

While we were eating, Crawford stood up and I facepalmed, "I would like to make some toast."

I covered my face and everyone laughed, "Alright, seriously though. I love you guys and always knew you guys would end up together. I can't even express how happy I am for you guys and hope your marriage is successful because I'm, like, one hundred percent sure you two were made to fall in love."

Everyone started clapping and I stood up to go hug Crawford, who knew he could be serious?

After everyone finished eating, they started playing upbeat music and everyone got on the dance floor to dance.

I glanced around and realized how much I love these people, I'm so happy there here for this.

After All Night by R5 played, YDHTG came on and everyone cheered. Chris placed his hands on my hips from behind and traced my sides in my tight wedding dress.

I turned and he kissed the side of my head, "I love you

"I love you more."

After everything, we left after we made sure everyone had already left, but then we stayed later to help clean up.

"Guys, it's your wedding day. You don't need to stay." The owner of the venue said.

"No it's okay, we can help." Chris smiled and I continued to walk around picking things up.

They kicked us out because we were being too nice, so Chris and I got into his car and drove home.

"That was fun," I said and looked at him, "I can't wait to get this dress off though, it's tight."

Chris smirked, "That's the only reason you can't wait to get it off?"

I smirked back, "No.."
A/N (important please read)
I know I just started writing this and I will write it for a while, but not as long as my other ones because it's just super awkward with Chris having a girlfriend now and no matter how much I support him and no matter how happy I am for him and I want him to be so happy, I do ache because I wasn't ready for my boy to grow up, but we have to deal with it I guess... Just didn't think it would be so soon. It just isn't the same so it just won't go up to like 60+ like my others:) just letting y'all know 😛❤️ love you guys

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