Chapter 24

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Chris and I spent two weeks in Hawaii and we leave today. We originally planned one week, but the day we were supposed to leave we... Got distracted and missed our flight, so we just stayed another week.

I groggily throw my things in the suitcase because Chris and I were way too tired last night to pack, and we were at the beach all day, we wandered more around Hawaii and didn't stop from around 8 am to 12 am.

Chris is just as tired as I am. He throws his stuff in the suitcase also and I pretty much throw myself on top of it so it zips shut, and I nearly fall asleep.

Chris places his hand on my back and I attempt to open my eyes, but it doesn't work. He starts rubbing my back gently, "C'mon baby, I know you're tired but we gotta get going, we can't miss this flight too."

"Yes we can," I mumble half asleep.

He laughs and kisses my forehead, "We gotta go baby.."

I groan and peel myself off the suitcase. I rub my eyes and look at Chris. He smiles, "You're adorable when you're tired."

I start crying and he immediately wraps his arms around me. He shushes me and rocks us back and forth, "You haven't done this in a while..."

Sometimes when I'm tired, I have random mental breakdowns. I haven't in a while, but I'm exhausted. Both of us probably got a little over 20 hours of sleep the whole two weeks.

"I know you're tired baby, but if we get going you can sleep the whole way on the plane and in our own bed when we get home, okay?"

I sigh and pull away from him, he smiles and stands up, then helps me up. He grabs the suitcase and I hold the door open for him. Watching him walk out, I realize once again how lucky I am. He loves me, this human loves me... I smile to myself and quickly look back at the room to make sure we didn't forget anything, then let the door shut behind me.

Chris gently shakes me awake, "We landed."

I nod and sit up. I slept the whole flight and I'm still probably going to crash when we get home. We get off the plane and grab our bags, then stop by Crawford's to pick up Rocky.

She jumps all over us and licks everywhere. Chris laughs, "We didn't leave you! We came back!"

"Was she any trouble?" I ask Crawford.

He smiles and shakes his head, "Nah, we just chilled and played video games." I laugh and thank him.

Rocky relaxes in Christian's arms and slowly wags her tail; he has a calming touch.

We get home and I set Rocky down and she runs around all over the place, jumping up and down off of the couches.

Chris takes the suitcase upstairs and I follow him. He drops it on the floor and opens his arms for me, "Come here."

I groggily walk over to him and lay my head on his chest. He engulfs me in a warm, loving hug and picks me up, then places me on the bed and cuddles up next to me.

I straight up sleep until the next day. The only reason I woke up and jumped out of bed was because cramps. Why is this happening now?

"Babe?" Chris sits up with a worried expression, "Are you okay?"

I nod, "Fine."

At least we know I'm not pregnant.

I quickly go to the bathroom and do whatever I usually do to deal with this crap I never asked for.

I walk out of the bathroom and Chris is out of bed with his arms crossed, "What's wrong?"

I roll my eyes and go downstairs to the kitchen to get some pain killers. I hear Chris follow me, but I ignore it and pull the pain killers out of the cabinet.

I take two like I usually do and look at him, obviously irritated and in pain that I was so rudely woken up.

"Can you overdoes on pain killers?"

"Why do you need pain killers?"

I facepalm, "Chris, why do I need pain killers every damn month?"

He widens his eyes at me because I never feel the need to use "bad" words, but I'm sure he knows.

"Well, the only time you talk like that is when you- ohhhh."

He wraps his arms around me, "Do you want something? I can run out and get you anything at all, please don't kill me."

I laugh and bury my head in his chest, "Just don't leave me, please?"

He kisses the top of my head, "Never,"

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