Chapter 18

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Chris and I really need a vacation or something. He's been working and I've been either going with him, or laying upside down on the bed flipping through channels.

"You hungry?" I ask him, changing the channel once again.

"Not really, but you didn't really eat today. I'll make you something."

"I'm not hungry." I say sitting up.

He looks at me sideways, then wraps his arms around me, "I know, you never really are, but I love you," he kisses the side of my head, "And I don't want to rush you to the hospital again."

I lay my head on his chest and he rubs my back.

"We really need to get out and go on a vacation and you know... Be a couple." He says. He must've read my mind...

"We really do..."

"Where would we go though?"

"Anywhere but here, love."

He sighs and squeezes me. I love him so much, but we don't even act like a couple anymore. We just sit there and he's always away.

We need us time, I guess.

I kiss his jawline and he looks down at me. "I love you," I remind him. We say it a lot, but it's always good to remind each other.

"I love you too... How does Hawaii sound?" He laughs.

"I'd pack up and leave right now."

"Wanna go?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Let's go then."

"Very funny.."

"I'm serious, I'll look at flights right now. We need alone time." He winks and grabs his laptop.

I stare at him. He actually wants to go?

"But what about work?"

"I can put it on hold, you're more important."

I can feel my heart melting. He's so cute.

"Found one, the next flight is in four hours, get packed and I'll book a hotel."

I jump up and pull out a suitcase. I can pack a month's worth of clothes for the both of us in one suitcase, that's why he always used to have me pack his bags even before we got together.

Like when we left for tour and he called me over just to pack his bag... Hmm... We were so crazy when we were just best friends.

One time, at like three in the morning, he drove to my house and jumped on me and acted like he was worried.

"Nicole!! Wake up! It's important!" Chris said frantically as he jumped on my bed.

"What, Christian? It's like... Really early."

"I need you to come with me. Don't ask questions."

He pulled me up and I tiredly followed him outside. He ran to his car and I quickly got in the passenger side and he got into the drivers side.

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